Very early in the morning Madailéin looked out the window, it was a beautiful day. The sun shone in all its brilliance. Madailéin dressed and went down when Chung said to her, he left. She came close to giving him a slight kiss. He made, his eternal wink.
She does not know if it came from her, but he had a way to make a wink as nobody. It is as if he could speak. Maybe it was the smile that accompanied it who gave that impression.
She went to the window to watch him go. He walked to his car. God she loved to see him walk. He had his right leg slightly arched. It's strange that this love does not decrease. She always seemed to meet him for the first time.
She went to the kitchen and took a cranberry juice. She heard the door to the house open. Chung might have forgotten something. She went to the door. What she saw did not Chung.
A man, tall, broad shoulders, blond hair cut short, looks at her into the hollow eyes.
- What do you want? Madailéin asked.
- Your boyfriend killed my brother. shouted the man.
He grabbed her by the arm and threw her down on the floor. He struck her to the face and in belly while trying to remove her clothes.
- I'll finally finish what my brother did not. Bitch.
She tries to free herself, but she is not robust enough. When he saw she was screaming too, he put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming.
The man's face was filled with hatred. He pulled a knife and he held it close to her face. Madailéin fixed the knife who approached of her eyes.
- You stabbed my brother's knee, I'll leave you a little souvenir that will please you, said the man.
He presses her against the wall. Her eyes are on her assailant, with a smile.
He sticks against her, still holding her against the wall. His eyes, his tone, his attitude, his strength. She tries to extricate herself, to struggle, she insists to discard his grip.
- I love when you resist me! said the man.
He clings against her increasingly.
- Your look makes me the effect? You'll like it with a man, a real, not like your sub-human! Let's see, if you like. Dirty whore!
His hands are now handlamps and descended until her buttocks. Once again, she struggles, trying to bite his hand pressed against his mouth, she moves in all senses, trying to hit him as she may, the man that maintains her.
- Come on, I love it!
His face is approaching hers, he grabs her chin and laid his lips against hers.
Unable to move, she opened her mouth and her teeth are closed forcefully on his lips. He screaming. He gives her a punch, strong, violent, and marked her cheek. Her head is spinning, the sounds seems distant.
Unable to move, she opened her mouth and her teeth are closed forcefully on his lips. He screaming. He gives her a punch, strong, violent, and marked her cheek. Her head is spinning, the sounds seems distant.
He knocks once again, louder and grabs her clothes. He pushed once more against the wall with more violence.
- Let yourself go! shouted the man.
She turns her head on the right side. She sees the dagger from her grandfather, the handle was decorated as a Claddagh ring, a heart held by two hands, which is surmounted by a crown. Hands are a symbol of faith, while the crown symbolizes the honor and the heart, signifies love.
She tries to reach it quietly with her fingers.
Madailéin stopped breathing a few seconds. She stabbed him in the stomach.
Madailéin stopped breathing a few seconds. She stabbed him in the stomach.
The man stepped back and froze. He felt a pain disastrous. He collapsed to his knees, his body trembling. Madailéin's hand was dripping blood. He touched his stomach and saw blood on her hand.
Madailéin felt a warmth invaded her whole body. A shiver ran through her spine. Her limbs stiffened.
- Sato ... murmured Madailéin. Sato is back ... she says in a whisper, barely audible.
The man froze more, to see Madailéin's face contorted and her eyes rolled back.
He was terrorized by this woman who seemed no longer being human, no, she could not be human.
- Mercy... he stammered.
Madailéin laughed, a laugh sadistic, diabolical.
- You dared to put your hands on me! shouted Madailéin. You think, than you will go out of here! yelled Madailéin now. You have dared to sully the body I offer only to... him.
He looked at her terrified.
She breathed by emitting a roar, as an asthmatic. She ran towards him, raised her knife and threw herself on the man's body.
Suddenly, the empty, a weight of less ... She sees him lying on the floor, moaning.
She moved away slightly, backed against the wall, too shocked to react, too shocked to recover herself.
The man got up with difficulty. She has stabbed him, seven times. She stabbed him enough to hurt him, but in parts of his body, who will let him alive, but he will suffer greatly.
The man walked toward the exit. She watched him, not losing sight of his actions. He looked at her, he was scared. Her head was down, and she looked at him, the dagger in her right hand, his clothes stained with blood, at every breath her chest rose and fell. The man managed to leave the house, he walked unsteadily. He got into his car with difficulty. He tried to start his car. It started up on the second try.
Madailéin did not move. She stood in the middle the living room.
When Chung and Sami, are entered fifteen minutes later. He discovered with horror the living room vandalized, Madailéin in the middle, her clothes full of blood. He wanted to approach her.
- Stay away from me! shouted Madailéin.
- What happened? said Chung, trying to approach her again.
- Stay away from me, yelled Madailéin.
- Madailéin it's me, it's Chung. he said looking at her.
- That is it looks like, an Irish in anger? Sami murmured.
- Sami, this is no time to joke! Chung shouted. Madailéin, tell me what happened! he cried.
- The brother of the one you killed last week has dared to put his hands on me, shouted Madailéin.
The jaws of Chung, are clenched and his teeth are tightening. This time everything went too far. How can we dare to do such a thing? He was enraged, he sank into hatred.
- Chung, Sami murmured. You saw her eyes?
- Yes, I've already seen like that. said Chung.
- Chuichi! Madailéin shouted.
Sami was startled by hearing the name.
- Where she knows your real name? Sami asked.
- Chuichi, Madailéin shouted again. You were supposed to protect her. You have failed at your promise. Madailéin yelled.
She staggered, her muscles relaxed and she lost consciousness.
Chung ran to Madailéin. He took her in his arms and laid her on the sofa.
- Baby! Chung whispered in the ear of Madailéin. Baby, answer me.
- She scared me and I saw more! Sami said.
- I did not think we have Madailéin before us! The only person who knows my real name except you, it was Sato! Chung said getting up.
- Wait a minute! You say Madailéin is ... Woh Woh! What do we do this, turning one episode of unexplained phenomena? You must having told her, and you don't remember it, said Sami.
- No, I never revealed her, my real name. said Chung.
- And why? Sami said.
- Because I love her too much for that! When she spoke to me about her ancestors, Mellan O'Mahony and Roban O'Mahony.
- Wait, yes, the two Irish, who killed fifty British in one night? It been a long time of that. Madailéin is of O'Mahony clan?
- Yes.
- But you did not have an ancestor who was married to a O'Mahony in the 1800s? We teased you by calling you green head!
- Yes!
- Oh shit! You have the same ancestors, her and you?
- Yes.
- Anyway, it dates so far away, you have no genetic relationship. Look at her! She is not Asian at all, with her red hair, her clear skin, her green eyes ... Sami said, pinching his nose.
- What are you doing? asked Chung.
- No, no! I was describing, to make you understand that (...)
- That you salivas, looking at her, Chung said by turning to Sami.
- Calm down! You jump to conclusions to quickly. It's just to make you understand that this is the only Irish that there has been in your family. And it's been 160 years of this! And why not make the situation more confusing! You are, this couple reincarnated! Sami said, laughing.
- Do not laugh, Sami.
- What was their names? Sami asked, pretending to be interested.
- Mairenn O'Mahony and Chuichi Tatsuya.
To be continued...
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.