Evil, always Obscure, like the darkness. Do not forget that religion is no more synonymous with the saint, as did the officer is a hero.
It was March 20, 2010. The wind howled and seeped through cracks in the house. The sun was round and bright. She gave an unreal atmosphere in the city. A light mist floated in the streets quieter. A shadow. Black. Subtle. Fugitive. Almost indescribable. A splash. An earthquake. I turn my head, and the vision vanished. My heart beats faster. I concentrate. Full of ideas swirling in my head. The cloudy light appears again and I give ear to hear a strange noise coming from this thing purely invented, a figment of my anguish of the night. I go out.
The shadows make me crazy, I looking for a plausible explanation for these fleeting appearances. Lost in me, looking for a solid opinion, I cross a man all dressed in black. I looked up and I watching him of the eyes. My vision is blurred. Insomnia is a source of paranoia and delusions passengers increases. I pass the doors of my prison daily. I head straight for the glass doors that swallow 1500 animated bodies every day. A strange feeling, flows in my veins, making me shudder, and I climb the stairs faster.
When I arrived at my favorite restaurant, I examine the faces. You become paranoid! I said to myself. I walk up to my seat toward the window. I do not know how the spirits survive, locked away from windows in the flesh annoying and unnecessary. I escape by watching the flight of a bird. The day passes when I'm heading to the toilet in a dark corridor, a soft, fresh, surreal and still touches my cheek. I stop. I turned round. The shadow along the wall and evaporates. The light burns my retina and it pushes me toward the door.
- Do not stay there! Move! said a woman looking at her fixedly.
In the afternoon, a maddening buzz, invaded my ears, and I seek the source of the noise. A breath on my neck. I stiffened, I bend, ready to brave the enemy. The siren of a fire truck makes me jump. A girl approaches me, fix me with her eyes and she looked into mine I am attentive to her. Her hand moves towards my arm. And in a voice barely audible, and she seems happy, but incomprehensible.
- Jasmine, you too, you see them?
I open my mouth but no sound comes out. In my head, a voice shouting me, to run away as far as possible and quickly. Behind the window, a face is formed. A face of terror melted into fear. I feel my strength away, while the girl, who sticks to me whispers again.
- They are there for you, they follow you since long time, learn to love them, they love you! Oh! They love you so much!
I release myself from her grip, the close friendships of some girls make me sick! I rush out and I come up against a pedestrian.
- Go home! This is not the time to heckle! cried the pedestrian.
Nobody saw anything. I feel alone, abandoned. The day ends. The girl leaves turn, did not return, but his words obsess me. I see a form colorless run along the wall of the restaurant. I close my eyes, gripped by a real panic attack. Arriving at the corner of the street, the same girl suddenly appeared and plunged her scary eyes into mine.
- Oh yes! You see! You'll see how they love you! I walk away from her, clenched fist over her mouth to prevent howling out. I will, watery eyes, breathing in a quiet corner.
The evening promises to be rather frozen for a month of March. It envelops me, and glue me. Eyes staring at me, the darkness, shadows form a procession leading to nothing scary. The murmurs rise, echoing voices of the unknown. And I hear a cry endlessly.
- You'll see how they love you! Me and some friends were invited by a rich city boy. His way of making friends was to invite young people to celebrate his birthday. Costumes, originality were obligatory.
All enjoyed themselves, dancing, weird buffet, listening to a horror movie and some told stories of terror in a dark corner ... Hum! Interesting! I said to myself. I walked and I sat on the floor in a circle with others. About twenty people participated in the stories, so it was time for me to create a good reputation! When it was finally my turn, I took a deep breath and I begin my story a mysterious voice.
- Many years ago, here in Quebec City, a city without story, several nuns came to live in an old convent near St. Jean Baptiste, where surely some of you have ever been. Like I said, many nuns came to live in the old convent. One of them, Sister Supreme, the Mistress, taught them witchcraft.
- This story happened here in Quebec City? asked one participant.
- Yes, right here. Jasmine replied.
- Let her finish. grumbled a girl in the circle.
- I continue my story. First nobody knew, because we were not going to church to pray a lot and frankly, they did not trust these nuns to look suspicious, but one day, March 20, 1911 Specifically, several children disappeared. The police found the charred bones in the backyard. That is why today, Convent Court is void of any soul ...
So to 5:30 p.m., young children, the most adventurous, had ventured to go to the convent. One of them knocked to the enormous iron door. An old lady dressed in black to look scary opened the door very slowly making it creak.
- Hi kids! she said.
- Ah yes? How come you knew, we come to this? asked a young girl.
- Because me and my friends, we called you, for help ... Come in! I will do you no harm! Go upstairs, there are lots of toys!
The children, all more confident as each other rushed down the stairs which creaked under their feet. The vast grisly remains seemed to absorb them.
Arrived at a door open, they stopped to look inside. What they discovered their blood froze: the pastor of the neighborhood was crucified naked, head hanging and the blank look on a big inverted cross on the wall. The walls were painted crosses in dried blood and various psychedelic symbols. Candles and incense burning in every corner, a strong stench prevailed.
They retreated to come out running, but the old woman was faster than them and locked them. The children were crying, screaming for help, pounded the doors of their little fists but nobody came, only to 8:35 p.m., ten nuns dressed in black entered the room. They had around her neck a silver star hanging in a chain of gold and huge black lacquered nails like claws. The oldest was holding a enormous scrawl to the binding of gold.
- We've come here for the sacrifice that takes place every 100 years.
- A sacrifice? asked a child, scared to death.
- Silence! yelled a woman. "This must be so if we want keep our powers.
Two women came forward and grabbed the girl closest to them. Their hands were so closed tight on the arms of the girl that their nails dug into her flesh until he bled.
- Leave me alone, stop, you're hurting me!
- Enough is enough! shouted a woman who slapped her, stronger as she could.
The girl, frightened, barely restrained her sobs.
The nuns watched the show a keen eye. Their laughter heralded their huge sharp teeth.
- The time for sacrifice has come. Sit in a circle around these kids, ladies. Up your sleeves.
- We, the women of hell, goddesses of heaven, beseech your deity. On our behalf, agree to these faithful souls, minds to these pure hearts. Join your strength to ours for these souls condemned to dedicate our supreme master.
The woman took a knife edge and a quick movement, cut her left wrist. She undid the group to go to the center of the circle, pour a few drops on the head of each child.
- My hatred is expressed. The demons and the powers of hell, hear my prayer. That the flames come to me! It is under my control that I want. I want to run under the power of fire! Come by my blood, Come by the fire!
The wind roared, the house shook, all the windows exploded and caught fire due to a disproportionate increase in the flames. Two shadows, one black and one white, entered and penetrated in all bodies of small terrified. It took a few seconds, they left as quickly as they came, but with their valuable treasures.
The Satanic nuns, took the children inanimate, to transport them outside. They placed them, neatly stacked, and with the orders of their chief, each threw a flaming stick on the deads. With that, they immediately fled. Nobody saw them again.
- It will soon be a hundred years ... So ... watch your children!
Karole McDowell 2004-2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.