samedi, janvier 15, 2011

The awakening to love

He loves Madailéin his beloved like never before he loved anyone and it's the most wonderful woman he met (as he says) and he never had the opportunity to know.

She is gifted (sensitive people, have a propensity to develop affinities for activities that call for creativity, art, language ... well, is that I have ever seen) she is effective, and expeditious in its work, wonderfully chaotic in the field more Cartesian. She is sometimes a little too much independent. He tries sometimes to frighten her, she could lose him one day, but that does not work. As one response she approaches her hand from his face, and gently touch him or kiss him to shut him up.

In short, there is no other woman with whom, he would like do his life .... (...) Besides the moments of tenderness, moments of hugs, despite the embarrassment rising in him, he really wanted of this woman, and then he kissed her. Furiously. He put her on the bed, searching her body with a frenzy without limits, he has planted on her, he does not look at her like he always did. "Don't look at me like that, you'll eat me" she said, smiling. But he failed, he couldn't, he realized he was in love with her.

vendredi, janvier 14, 2011

Mot de l'auteure / Author's note

Je vous souhaite la bienvenue dans mon univers.

Je suis auteure de romans fantastique/horreur/érotico-fantastico. Écriture, écriture, écriture. Euh! Je dors aussi... parfois.

J'ai créé ce blog pour vous faire connaître l'auteure et la femme. J'ai l'intention de recueillir sur ce blog des textes, récits, petits et longs, dont je suis déjà l'auteure, d'écrire quelques pensées, mes coups de coeur, mes coups de masse! Je vous propose un voyage dans les coins sombres de mon cœur, parfois dans les coins, les plus éclairés.
Ange et démon, je suis les deux, à la fois. Peu importe que mes récits soient sombres ou lumineux, just dire que mes doigts sont dirigés par la lumière. Il suffit de décoder le message derrière le message!

Chers lecteurs, entre le plaisir et la fuite, les craintes, et la peur, j'espère que ces quelques pages vous apporteront quelque chose.

Je considère votre visite comme un privilège et je suis heureuse de vous accueillir et bonne visite.

Le respect des auteurs commence par le respect du droit d'auteur.
(s'il vous plait, ne copiez pas mes textes)

Karole McDowell - Toute reproduction en partie ou en totalité des textes ou photos de ce site, sous quelque forme ou par quelque procédé que ce soit, est strictement interdite sans l'autorisation écrite de l'auteure.

Welcome to my world.

I am author of novels fantasy / horror / erotic-fantastico.

Write, write, write. Uh! I sleep also ... sometimes.

I created this blog to let you know the author, and woman. I intend to collect on this blog texts, tales, small and long, I'm already the author, write some thoughts, my favorites, my sledgehammer!

I propose you a travel into the dark corners of my heart, sometimes in the corners, most enlightened.

Angel and devil, I am both. Not matter if my tales are dark or light, just say that my fingers are directed by light. Just decode the message behind the message!

Dear readers, between pleasure, escape and fear, I hope these pages will give you something.

I consider your visit as a privilege and I am pleased to welcome you and good visit.

Respect for authors begin by respecting the copyright.
(please,do not copy my texts)

Karole McDowell - any reproduction partly or entirely of the texts or the photographs of this site, in a certain form or by a certain process which it is, is strictly prohibited without written authorization of author.

Beyond the desire

Beyond the desire to possess you, wealth is your touch. 

Sweet desire, to feel your sweet lips all over my body, passion consumes me. 

Beyond the desire to feel your lips with passion, you make me lose reason. 

The sweet fragrance of your desire, increases in me the thrill of delirium. 

Sweet drunkenness to feel your hands on my body, which inflames. 

The love you gave me, to you my heart was given. 

All these words spread, describing the verb, love. 

Of this verb that I can conjugate, present and future, I confess, I love you I will love you. 

In the present, I am now in your future, I hope evidently. 

Your wishes, I want to carry out. 

Of your smell, I knew impregnate me, your warmth, I could envelop me. 

Your eyes, I knew contemplate. Of your words, my ears were caressed. 

Your envy, I would like to satisfy. 

Your desires, I would like to accomplish. 

All your emotions, my soul knew the ascent. 

All your feelings, my heart is addicted. 

To everything you said, my life, you have embellished. 

All this passion, my heart took it unconditionally. 

From his black eyes, I see hope. 

Of his soft skin, gives me shaking. 

Of his way of expressing himself, my life changed. 

See him every night, me away from despair. 


In a space incandescent but blurry, are burning colors of tenderness to light explosives, which fills the void that nights bring me, without him. 


This poem is addressed to him, to express to him how much I can love him. 

Karole McDowell 2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

Deux corps, une seule âme, un seul coeur!

Les doux baisers remontant son bras, la réveillèrent pleinement. Les yeux troublés par le sommeil, elle regardait cet homme aux cheveux ébène, le regard noir et sombre.

Elle sentit sur sa peau la caresse du vent et se rendit compte que son corps était couvert de gouttelettes d'eau. Tournant le regard vers le feu, elle vit sa robe posée sur le parquet.

Voyant son corps dévêtu elle ne put empêcher ses joues de rougir, gênée. pendant que le bois crépitait faisant des étincelles, celles-ci semblaient cadencer avec les battements de son cœur.

L'homme tenait à la main un tissus mouillé. Elle comprit qu'il avait lavé son corps endormi. Il le déposa près du foyer. Puis se penchant sur elle, avec une douceur presque divine, il planta ses doigts dans sa chevelure. De ses doigts il peignait ses cheveux. Elle sentait dans la douceur de ses gestes, une telle tendresse.

Sous ses mains, elle se sentait entièrement femme. Il finit d'étaler ses cheveux sur le tapis quand de ses deux mains, il descendit sur son doux visage, le toucher chaud et léger la fit frissonner et elle se sentit rougir, en voyant ses mains caresser son corps tout entier.

Il s’approcha de son visage et elle sentit son souffle venir envahir son esprit déjà très troublé.

Elle ferma les yeux, quand ses lèvres palpitèrent sous les siennes, en picorant sa bouche comme un oiseau picore un fruit bien mûr. Puis elle sentit les mains passionnées venir saisir sa poitrine, ses doigts dessinant ses courbes. Elle aimerait s'agripper à son cou, à ses cheveux, mais elle était figée sous ses caresses. 

De ses lèvres, il traçait un chemin descendant sur sa peau nue, frémissante. Elle ferma les yeux, alors qu'elle sentait son souffle chaud caresser ses lèvres remplies de désir. Elle sentit qu'il tentait d’entrouvrir sa bouche, de sa langue soyeuse. Elle sentit prise de vertiges.

Sa langue ondoyait, et le bruit qui s'échappait de lui et semblait laper sa salive, la mettait en nage. Ses ongles s'agrippaient au tapis, elle n'arrivait pas à empêcher son corps de se tordre, sa tête de se tendre vers cette langue, dont elle voulait sentir au plus profond d'elle-même. Les caresses se firent plus voluptueuses. Il prenait plaisir à la chatouiller de désir.

Elle rouvrit les yeux, lorsque son corps tremblant, ne pouvait plus tenir. Elle échappa des cris rauques, les yeux plongés dans les siens. La feu pour seul témoin de leur étreinte fabuleuse entre ses mains, à la fois douces et viriles, de cet homme de courage, de cœur et au regard de velours.

Lorsqu'elle se réveilla le lendemain, il était étendu près d'elle. Il la couvait d'un regard audacieux, où se lisait tout l'amour qu'il ressentait pour elle. Le corps entièrement dévêtu, elle comprit qu'elle n'avait pas rêvé.

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Toute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation de l'auteure.

Au-delà du désir

Au-delà du désir 

Au-delà du désir de te posséder, richesse sont tes caresses. 

Doux désir, de sentir tes lèvres douces sur tout mon corps, la passion me dévore. 

Au-delà du désir, de sentir tes lèvres de passion, tu me fais perdre la raison. 

Le doux parfum de ton désir, m'enivre et augmente en moi le frisson de délire. 

L'amour que tu m'as donné, à toi mon coeur s'est donné. 

Tous ces mots étalés, décrivent le verbe, aimer. 

De ce verbe que je peux conjuguer, au présent et au futur, je l'avoue, Je t'aime, je t'aimerai. 

Dans le présent, j'y suis maintenant, dans ton futur, je le souhaite évidemment. 

Tes souhaits, je tiens à réaliser. 

De ton odeur, j'ai su m'imprégner, ta chaleur, j'ai pu m'envelopper. 

Tes yeux, j'ai su contempler. 

De tes paroles, mes oreilles ont été caressées. 

Tes envies, je tiens à satisfaire. 

Tes désirs, je tiens à accomplir. 

Toutes tes émotions, mon âme a connu l'ascension. 

Tous tes sentiments, mon cœur en est dépendant. 

De tout ce que tu as dit, ma vie, tu as embelli. 

Toute cette passion, mon coeur l'a pris sans condition. 

De tes yeux noirs, je vois l'espoir. 

Ta peau douce, me donne des secousses. 

De ta façon de t'exprimer, ma vie a changé. 

Te voir tous les soirs, loin de moi le désespoir. 


Dans un espace incandescent mais flou, brûlent des couleurs de tendresse à lumière explosives qui comblent le vide que les nuits m'apportent sans lui. 


Ce poème lui est adressé, pour lui exprimer à quel point je peux l'aimer. 

Karole McDowell 2010 - (c) Toute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation de l'auteure.

Amour éternel


Notre voyage intime crée un tableau, qui éclaire notre esprit. Nos pas sur la Terre est une danse, qui donne naissance à l'amour divin. Notre vision de l'étreinte amoureuse, est l'essence d'une nouvelle vie.

Notre rire applaudit notre amour, et notre liberté, manifeste un espace authentique. Cet amour est entré dans notre vie, unique, et parfume notre sol.

Il devine ma tendresse, et moi, la grâce de son cœur. Des étoiles brillent sur son visage, mon sourire réjouit son âme. La lumière qu'il propage, fait de lui, le plus bel homme du monde. Maintenant que je sais qui il est, qui je suis, qui nous sommes.

Nous découvrons la beauté de notre unité. Alors nous sommes deux, mais un seul cœur et une seule âme. Il est ce que je suis. Je suis ce qu'il est. Nous avons toujours été près l'un de l'autre, sans vraiment le savoir, jusqu'au jour ou... Nous sommes touchés de recevoir ce dont nous avons toujours senti être réel : Nous nous aimons de ce pur Amour éternel.

Et le monde va changer à notre passage.

Karole McDowell 2009 - 2011 - (c) Toute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation de l'auteure.

jeudi, janvier 13, 2011

I'll take your heart, and taste your soul.

She hugs him, tenderly, as she loves him, and he will feel without having to say so. She spends her palm on his chest, stroked in elevations, discreetly and misplaced modesty. He stroked his hand, forearm, his touch is so soft, she closes her eyes, she can feel his skin on his. She argues her fingers to his face and she runs a touch applied, he shuddered.

Without warning, she slips her finger between his lips and then takes off immediately. She continues to spend the pads of his fingers on his face that she loves so much, then she returns to his mouth. This time, she met his tongue, creating a delicious thrill.

He sighs and turns to her, takes her in his arms, she slips her thigh between his own, she sticks to it, as near as she can, her body wanted to melt into his. She lets her hand run over his chest, his neck, she does not know, who caress who, where he caresses her, she just feels his soul, his presence, his being, she bites his chin, cheeks, she turns long, around his mouth.

He dismisses her suddenly, and stands over her. Looking her straight in the eye, he slowly slides his hands on her belly and breasts. He take them, as a fruit, ripe and sweet, ready to explode under too much pressure. He lay down again with a sudden gesture, began to embrace her body, the hesitations, promises, flitting.

Her head turns, she moaned as he discovers her. She is lost in her own pleasure, everything else is gone, he is up to her, kiss her neck, buried her head in her hair, that the elastic has not retained for very long.

She rejects him, she needs to recharge. He looks surprised. She sits in front of him, he tries to lie down, she resists, he tries to protest. He growls at her tossing of the head back. Suddenly he kissed her full on the mouth. His eyes plunge into hers, introducing his soul in her. A flash of ecstasy through her body while his spirit enters her own. Their bodies are barely touching, but melt, and speak.

She looks at him and kisses him, her hands lost in his hair cling desperately, needs her mouth to his, she needs to be close, still closer to him. He began to moan, more and harder, faster and faster. They loosen, their grip, she straightens up, looks him in the eyes, they are more than happy and spiritually exhausted. Their bodies were soaked, their troubled minds, their smiles, waves.  

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

mercredi, janvier 12, 2011

Two bodies, only one soul, only one heart!

The soft kisses up her arm, fully awakened. The eyes troubled by sleep, she looked at this man with ebony hair, black eyes and dark. 

She felt on her skin caressed by the wind and realized that her body was covered with water droplets. Turning her gaze to the fire, she saw her dress on the floor. 

Seeing her naked body, she could not prevent her cheeks blushing, embarrassed, while the wood crackled, making sparks, they seemed to cadence with the beat of her heart. 

The man was holding a wet tissue. She understood that he had washed her sleeping body. He put it near the fireplace. Then leaning over her with a sweetness almost divine, he planted his fingers through her hair. With his fingers, he combed her hair. She felt the softness of his movements, such tenderness. 

Under his hands, she felt completely woman. He ended his hair spread on the carpet, when with both his hands, he went down on her sweet face, warm and light touch made her shiver and she blushed seeing his hands caress her entire body. Baring his shoulders, he slid the dress lightly, as if a breeze pushing the light fluffy clouds. He approached his face and she felt her breath coming invade her mind already very troubled. 

She closed her eyes, when his lips quivered as hers, by pecking her mouth like a bird pecking a fruit ripe. Then she felt hands passionate, come take her chest, his fingers drawing her curves. She would cling to his neck, his hair, but she was frozen under his caresses. 

From his lips, he traced a path down over her bare skin, quivering. She closed her eyes as she felt his warm breath caressing her lips full of desire. She felt that he was attempting to partially open her mouth, with his tongue silky. She felt dizzy. 

His tongue fluttered, and the noise that escaped from him and seemed to lick her saliva, put her in swimming. Her fingernails clinging to the carpet, she could not prevent her body from twisting, her head to move towards this language, which she wanted to feel deep within herself. 

The caresses became more voluptuous. He enjoyed the tickle of desire. She opened her eyes, when her body trembling, could no longer hold. She escaped cries hoarse, her eyes sunk into his. The fire only witness to their embrace fabulous in his hands, both fresh and manly, this man of courage, heart and eyes of velvet. 

When she awoke the next day he was lying beside her. He brooded for a bold look, which reads all the love he felt for her. The body stripped naked, she realized she had not dreamed. 

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

Sans titre - No Title

A deep silence reigned over the opaque darkness, sometimes interrupted by breathing chopped, or a distant sound of pipe. A breath creeping swept a moment the peaceful face of a man, before wandering into the room closed, closed on three dead bodies.

Slowly, the man became aware of the soil cold and rough against his cheek, the pain that throbbed in his temples and froze in his aching joints. The latter tried in vain to collect souvenirs consistent ... Everything seemed tangled, black ... His mind was as unfathomable as the surrounding air.

His furtive thoughts, his fears and his pain now united in this strange battlefield that had invested his skull. He hardly moved his arm to his face and slid his long fingers over his head shaved and wet. No injuries.

His head, however, seemed about to explode ... He sighed and rubbed his eyes gently.

Suddenly, a sharp squeal cut opaque haze of the room. He turned sharply to the right to scan the darkness in which he bathed. He paused and forced himself to hold his breath that went crazy already. A quick blast tossed beside him, a few meters. Someone ... or something. He concentrated a little more distinctly heard, on his left this time, another presence.

They were three in this room.

The frantic beat of his heart, spread throughout his body. Stretched to the extreme, he stayed on guard, ready to retaliate if attacked. Febrile, he still tried to make the point: if they were the aggressors, do not they have already attacked while he was lying on the floor, unconscious and vulnerable ...? A groan broke from the right, breaking the silence again.

To be continued... (Writing in progress)

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

mardi, janvier 11, 2011

Amusant - Funny

Voici le montage photo d'un ami facebook, je trouve ça amusant!
Here is the photo montage of a facebook friend, I find it funny!
Seo é an montage grianghraf de cara facebook, bhfaighidh mé é amusing!


She was doing a walk while thinking about tomorrow, where her beloved always, come back. She daydreamed, confusing dream and reality. The evening dragged on, her sleep was difficult to find. She arrived half an hour before the scheduled appointment, she was afraid of missing her beloved. But two hours later he had still not arrived. She imagined all possible scenarios. He had a car crash, was killed.

She called to home and he answered. She lost her temper against him. He said he no longer loved her, that his passion for her had disappeared, and he did not want to make her suffer more. By dint of having her too much desired, his heart broke. She sat down on the curb and cried because he no longer loved her, because he was kept waiting too long. How could he have? Could he not tell her earlier? Why had he no more feelings for her? What had she done?

Her beloved had simulated, separation. He thought only of her. She should have guessed. He could already see their relationship end, under pressure from his entourage. He preferred that she lives forever in his memories.

A few months later, he received a letter. He recognized the writing, everything reminded him of the wonderful memories. His princess had written to him! He unsealed the envelope, and a picture fell. The face of this woman who was so fascinated him. Behind, she wrote: "Come see me, I beg you."

He did not know what to think. How would he find the words to tell her that in three days he should marry another woman.

He felt that she was crazy about him. But, he was going finally meet the woman who did so dream, who makes dream as always. The same, before which the other, she would disappear. He wanted both hug, one he loved.

By dint of contemplating the face that it was the most price in the world, he entered the thoughts of his future wife. He saw that he was not really love of her, but he could not retreat. But he knew he would never love her with infinite love as he loves his princess.

He just wanted to see her, after days and months. He made the promise to to see her in peace. Maybe he does not believe the love of her, while his future wife had proved ... proved easy to say, she had declared his love.

The day of the meeting arrived, but once they crossed their eyes, the feeling was too strong. He loved her, yes, he loved her. The look she threw him was indeed love, and not just a curiosity.

For the surroundings, their actions were obscene, but they were not. There was passion, love recovered. All this in a few minutes. They kissed for such a long time, their mouths seemed to be welded to each other. He was so afraid of having to leave her, but It was to be so, he must tell her, but that will be difficult their separation.

This will be the disaster of her life. Sure, I needed her, my life with her would have been more wonderful than in my wildest dreams. With her, I will taste the happiness, and I no longer looked at other women, but anyway, What would become her, in my world suffocating under the leaden weight of this entourage that who would never love her, as I can love her?

I could finally find the words, I said that I should marry another woman. She looked at me fixedly without saying a word. I felt always the warmth of her love flaming. Suddenly, she could no longer stand up. I had to hold her, not that she grave. Her glance became empty, she fell down on the floor. I massed, ventilation, nothing helped. The results of the autopsy revealed that her death was related to sudden death syndrome.

I gave up my marriage. Sure, I was treated to a most horrible scenario, but I was relieved that I don't have to be with a woman for life in the illusion of love.

I have known love in her arms. I'm never came out of painting.

She died leaving me with an unforgettable memory. Without her, I would never knew love. I did not knew show me strong enough to keep her. I was not able to simulate indifference. She capsized my soul, my mind and body. She was so different. I remember his great air, which made her seem inaccessible and unaffordable. However my friends who had mocked me, saying she would never come out with me. They stopped laughing when she accepted.

I gave myself a few minutes to the only woman who interested me. She was my only desire. I have not seen, other women. Yet they begged me to love another. But I did not even want to try. I preferred to live this particular happiness with her. Her death was not a sufficient barrier to stand between us, she stayed with me. Her soul around me. I hope she is still constantly at my side, for haunt me.

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author. 

lundi, janvier 10, 2011

Dream or reality?

She had trouble recovering from that kiss stolen. Despite the long walks she made to calm down, she could not find a certain peace. Why He had acts this way? This delicacy in the dark, and this rude and contemptuous air when she saw him daylight, were not comparable.

When she found herself in his presence during this evening, she felt fear. She could not hide her confusion.


So, she had turned off the light, and sleep began to slowly invade her, she heard her bedroom door open, light from the hallway entered into the room, and she noticed a male silhouette. Then she held out her hand towards the switch on her lamp, a powerful hand stopped her, and he posed a finger on her lips.

- Don't turn on, please, "the man murmured, slipping down beside her in bed.

She would have screamed, but something stopped her, she was divided between fear and desire, and this mixture was volcanic. The man's hand caressed her, and his lips, sought and found, those of the young woman, who gave up the fight against the desire she felt in her since her arrival at the castle, she offered herself to him without any resistance.


When she awoke, she was alone in her bed. Had she, once again, dreamed that night of passion, or did she really lived? But the disorder of her bed did not allow him to doubt.

Her desire was satiated, she felt more sure of herself, the spirit was not invaded by the desire that it mixed her mind.

While she was walking in the park, she discovered the man sitting in his chair in the shade of large oak. She moved in front of him.

- Hello. I need to talk to you about last night.

The man looked up at she and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

- Do not make the stupid! I can not accept such intrusions into my room.

- You take your dreams to reality. I was not at the castle last night and therefore not in your room. Why should I go in the bedroom of a simple maid? he replied in a haughty manner.

She was disconcerted by this response. Feigned he? But who was this passionate man, who had thrilled her senses last night?

She left him, stammered excuses stupid, but did not wish to forget this insult. She went to the library and began searching through the family archives. She found a photo album. At the date of 1958, she fell on a picture, that intrigued her. Two small boys, very similar, the same age, placed in front of the castle. Could it be that he had a twin, and he lived in the castle? But why he remained so hidden? Footsteps in the hallway forced her to put the album in its place... she vowed to continue her research later.

dimanche, janvier 09, 2011

* Forever Love *


When I look at his eyes, nothing is more important.
The whole world is gone, there remains only him and me.
We are here to contemplate for a long time.

He never tires of hearing our enthusiasm extolling the Universe.

Our intimate journey creates a canvas, which enlightens our mind.
Our steps on Earth is a dance that gives birth to divine love.
Our vision of the loving embrace is the essence of a new life.
Our laughter stimulates our love and our freedom exteriorizes an authentic space.

This love who has entered our lives, is unique.
He guessed my love and me, the grace of his heart.

Stars shining on his face, my smile brings joy to his soul.
His light that shines, making him, the most handsome man in the world.

Now I know who he is and who I am, who we are.
We discover the beauty of our unity.
So we are two but only one heart and only one soul.

He is what I am. I am what he is. We have always been close without really knowing, until the day ...

We are touched to receive what we have always felt to be real:

We love ourselves, of this pure eternal love.
And the world will change to our passage.

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.