She slept peacefully when she was awakened by Chung, who stroked her cheek ... She awoke with a start ... the clock showed 1:38.
- Get dressed, please. he said.
- What! At this hour?
- You will not go out half naked!
- We go out?
- You'll see, he said, smiling.
They climbed into the car and they took the road. She decided to relax a bit during the ride ... She did not know how long they were gone, but he slowed down gently, and she felt they stopped.
- We arrived. he said. They went down from the car, still with his gallantry, he helped her get out.
She looked all around her ... she was really surprised she did not expect it ... He looked at her, smiling.
- Madailéin, you okay? he asked.
- Yes, what are we doing here? she asks.
He turned and, they were facing a large house.
- Chung, to whom is this house? she asked intrigued.
- I'll show you, you will understand. he said.
They went to the house. She saw him pull out a key, he slipped it into the lock and opened the door. She was amazed. She was once again amazed by everything she saw.
He made her a look, which she could not resist, he stared her with his beautiful eyes, her heart is racing.
- Welcome home, honey.
He spent his long arms around her waist. He rocked her from side to side and dropping his head against hers.
-At home? she repeated.
- Yes! he said, proud of him.
- Chung! That is, you had to spend a fortune! she said with emotion in her voice.
- Don't worry about money! he said.
- I don't know what to say... she said.
Chung watching her, smiling, he looked pleased and amused to see her reaction.
- My love is too beautiful, I love ... I love you. I can tell you? she asked.
- Whenever you want it. Want to see? he asks.
They had scarcely entered, she was already amazed. They went into a small hallway. The walls were painted yellow. They then entered into what was to be the living room. Decorative candles Buddhas, there were boxes and scented candle and candle holders and candle holders, incense burners, and decorative bamboo panels. In the middle sat a white leather sofa, decorated with pillows in different colors. On the floor was a carpet, red and white.
Chung brought her into the kitchen.
- This place is for you ... It is necessary that you served for something, he says, laughing.
- Charming, very charming, she said giving him a punch in the ribs.
- You're gonna pay me it ... he said.
- You can still run! Madailéin replied.
She looked around her and she did not move. If he wanted give her a surprise, he was successful.
- You do not want to see the rest? he asked.
- Uh, sure. Madailèin said.
- Good, because there are two rooms, I'll let you choose yours. he said in a more than serious.
- But ...
He made his smile, she loved so much.
- You almost have me! she said.
- Almost? said Chung.
They went to the room. She was super nice ... white and red. "Down with the bed and, hello futon!" she told herself. It was nicely decorated. She loved her sober side.
It was the paradise .... A wonderful place, alone with the man of her life ... It was perfect, everything was perfect.
- It's beautiful, "she said.
He pulled her against him.
- So? he questioned. What do you think? he asks.
- It's magic ... but you had really bought it? she replied.
- Yes, it is ours. he said smiling.
- It's yours. she replied.
- No, I bought it for us, without you, there is no us. Moreover, I had to to be forgiven, so. he said lowering his eyes.
- Then, continues to be jealous as a tiger, and when it's time to make you forgive, I do not contradict yourself ... I promise you, my love ... she says, laughing.
- You are a profiteer ... he says, eyebrows raised.
- Cretin ... she replied.
- You know? he asked.
- Yes, I know. she said. While we sleep here tonight? she asks.
- Uh, yes! Chung said with a glance questioner.
- Because I have nothing to put me to sleep! she said.
- Uh ... yes ... excuse me ... he said embarrassed.
- It does not matter I'll sleep with your t-shirt and panties. Anyway, you've already seen my chest ... then! she said.
- I did not dare look, I never watch it without you allow me ... he says without looking.
- Chung, do not take me for an idiot! I'm not the first woman into your life! she said, shrugging his eyebrow.
- No, of course, but you touched my heart. My eyes clung to you, and also my heart. So my eyes are love, not desire. he said.
- So you do not find me attractive? she said disappointed.
- Don't put your words in my mouth, you understood what I meant ... Anyway, you know. I think I'll take a shower and going to bed. he said.
He draws him in her arms, kissed her passionately. He holds her hands when she tried to pass under his t-shirt.
- Madailéin, we have time for that ... said he, taking her wrists. Embarrassed, she lowered her head. He drew her toward him.
- Don't think I don't want you. I want you, more than anything, but we have time to be desired.
"Yes of course, after almost a year ... it's much too fast!" she told herself. She was hurt that he said no.
- I'm sorry, replied Madailéin.
- I had really wanted to let you do, but I know that after, I could not stop.