I'm a huge fan of the Middle Ages, Medieval, Knights, and Knights Templar. One of my greatest passions, after writing.
vendredi, février 04, 2011
One of my greatest passions, after writing.
Libellés :
écrit par Karole McDowell,
writing by Karole McDowell
Une de mes plus grandes passions, après l'écriture.
Je suis une fan inconditionnelle du Moyen-Âge, Médiéval, des chevaliers, et des Templiers. Une de mes plus grandes passions, après l'écriture.
Libellés :
écrit par Karole McDowell,
writing by Karole McDowell
lundi, janvier 31, 2011
Je deviendrai ton pire cauchemar...
Sami s'était laissé glisser lentement le long d'un mur et s'était mis à pleurer. Larmes d'un gosse qui s'est perdu et qui sait qu'il ne retrouvera jamais sa route. Tout en lui n'était que chaos et désolation et il espérait simplement qu'il finirait par en mourir. Qu'il ne resterait pas éternellement conscient à sentir cette douleur brûlante au fond de lui.
- Sami? Hey, Sami où tu es bon dieu? Merde... dans quel état tu es! Tu as beaucoup trop bu! dit Chung.
- Écoutes, je ne sais pas ce que ce bâtard t'a raconté, mais oublies le immédiatement! Ce n'est qu'un colossal tissus d'inepties qui sort de la bouche du plus immense connard que j'ai jamais rencontré! Wong est un combinard, Sami!
Puis il eut un petit rire incrédule.
- Merde, si on m'avait dit que je dirais un jour ce genre de trucs! Je te jures que je suis plus à l'aise avec les textes de cette auteure!
Ça y était. Sami revenait. Enfin. Un Sami qui sourit à Chung et qui l'interrogea faiblement.
- Depuis quand elle est sentimentale dans ses textes?
Chung le regarda d'un air faussement outragé.
- Elle a déjà écrit plusieurs pages. Bon, d'accord, les dialogues sont un peu longs, et on ne sait pas trop où elle s'en va, mais il y en a! C'est vachement bien pour la culture personnelle!
Sami ne répondit pas et se contenta de fixer Chung intensément.
- Elle écrit de l’horreur, et c’est pas joli, joli!
Chung le regarda à son tour et hocha la tête en souriant.
- Ouais!
Soudain, lui et Chung entendirent du bruit et se sortirent par la porte arrière de la boutique de Chung. Stupéfaits, ils virent le spectacle ahurissant de Madailéin et Wong combattant l'un contre l'autre. Bien sûr, ils auraient aimé comprendre les répliques que Madailéin lançait en irlandais, mais à bien y penser, le spectacle aurait perdu de sa superbe, mais fort heureusement aucun des deux ne comprenait et c'était très bien ainsi.
- Merde, ta femme se débrouille bien quand même! Tu as vu cette droite! dit Sami.
La bouche en sang, les yeux étincelants, Wong brandit ses bras dans les airs, faisant reculer Madailéin qui évita facilement les coups de son adversaire. Madailéin souriait.
Cet insolent imbécile qui se croyait roi, même lorsqu'il se battait contre elle.
Elle lui envoya un coup de pied dans le thorax, le faisant reculer.
- Elle joue du pied aussi! dit Sami surpris.
- Elle me surprendra toujours! Il ne faut pas faire fâcher une irlandaise! répondit Chung.
- C’est vrai que ça donne une bonne idée! C’est toi qui lui a appris ça?
- Non!
- Tu l’as déjà vu faire ça?
- Non!
- On devrait peut-être l'aider, tu penses pas? dit Sami surpris de voir Chung la regarder sans broncher.
- Je veux voir jusque où elle peut aller. Et toi, tu es dans un piètre état. répondit Chung.
- Il t'a fait quoi au juste, pour que Madailéin devienne tant en colère? demande Sami.
- Il m'a bousculé et il m'a menacé de me frapper, répondit Chung.
- Il t'a juste dit ça? Tu plaisantes là? dit Sami surpris.
- Non, je ne plaisante pas.
- Sami? Hey, Sami où tu es bon dieu? Merde... dans quel état tu es! Tu as beaucoup trop bu! dit Chung.
- Écoutes, je ne sais pas ce que ce bâtard t'a raconté, mais oublies le immédiatement! Ce n'est qu'un colossal tissus d'inepties qui sort de la bouche du plus immense connard que j'ai jamais rencontré! Wong est un combinard, Sami!
Puis il eut un petit rire incrédule.
- Merde, si on m'avait dit que je dirais un jour ce genre de trucs! Je te jures que je suis plus à l'aise avec les textes de cette auteure!
Ça y était. Sami revenait. Enfin. Un Sami qui sourit à Chung et qui l'interrogea faiblement.
- Depuis quand elle est sentimentale dans ses textes?
Chung le regarda d'un air faussement outragé.
- Elle a déjà écrit plusieurs pages. Bon, d'accord, les dialogues sont un peu longs, et on ne sait pas trop où elle s'en va, mais il y en a! C'est vachement bien pour la culture personnelle!
Sami ne répondit pas et se contenta de fixer Chung intensément.
- Elle écrit de l’horreur, et c’est pas joli, joli!
Chung le regarda à son tour et hocha la tête en souriant.
- Ouais!
Soudain, lui et Chung entendirent du bruit et se sortirent par la porte arrière de la boutique de Chung. Stupéfaits, ils virent le spectacle ahurissant de Madailéin et Wong combattant l'un contre l'autre. Bien sûr, ils auraient aimé comprendre les répliques que Madailéin lançait en irlandais, mais à bien y penser, le spectacle aurait perdu de sa superbe, mais fort heureusement aucun des deux ne comprenait et c'était très bien ainsi.
Ce fut Wong qui le premier lança un juron rageur.
- Sale pute sans cervelle, tu crois que tu vas m'empêcher de m'en prendre à ton cher Chung? Tu connais son passé? Tu sais qui il est? Il a fait des erreurs et c'est aujourd'hui qu'il va payer. Alors tu crois que seul ton amour pour lui pourra t'aider à m'arrêter?
Madailéin, pour toute réponse, lui donna un magistral coup de poing qui fit glisser dans les airs. Elle eut alors un large sourire.
- Non, mais je crois que ça aide vachement quand même! dit Madailéin.
- Sale pute sans cervelle, tu crois que tu vas m'empêcher de m'en prendre à ton cher Chung? Tu connais son passé? Tu sais qui il est? Il a fait des erreurs et c'est aujourd'hui qu'il va payer. Alors tu crois que seul ton amour pour lui pourra t'aider à m'arrêter?
Madailéin, pour toute réponse, lui donna un magistral coup de poing qui fit glisser dans les airs. Elle eut alors un large sourire.
- Non, mais je crois que ça aide vachement quand même! dit Madailéin.
- Merde, ta femme se débrouille bien quand même! Tu as vu cette droite! dit Sami.
La bouche en sang, les yeux étincelants, Wong brandit ses bras dans les airs, faisant reculer Madailéin qui évita facilement les coups de son adversaire. Madailéin souriait.
Cet insolent imbécile qui se croyait roi, même lorsqu'il se battait contre elle.
Elle lui envoya un coup de pied dans le thorax, le faisant reculer.
- Elle joue du pied aussi! dit Sami surpris.
- Elle me surprendra toujours! Il ne faut pas faire fâcher une irlandaise! répondit Chung.
- C’est vrai que ça donne une bonne idée! C’est toi qui lui a appris ça?
- Non!
- Tu l’as déjà vu faire ça?
- Non!
- On devrait peut-être l'aider, tu penses pas? dit Sami surpris de voir Chung la regarder sans broncher.
- Je veux voir jusque où elle peut aller. Et toi, tu es dans un piètre état. répondit Chung.
- Il t'a fait quoi au juste, pour que Madailéin devienne tant en colère? demande Sami.
- Il m'a bousculé et il m'a menacé de me frapper, répondit Chung.
- Il t'a juste dit ça? Tu plaisantes là? dit Sami surpris.
- Non, je ne plaisante pas.
- Ne me mésestimes jamais sale putain. cria Wong.
- Je suis fatiguée que tu m’insultes! Et tu as osé menacé Chung, et ça, c'est quelque chose que tu n'aurais jamais dû faire! cria Madailéin,
Elle lui donna un coup de poing, tellement fort, qu'elle en avait mal au bras. Wong resta quelques instants le visage figé de stupeur, puis le visage vacilla et tomba en arrière.
- Ne me mésestimes jamais sale putain. cria Wong.
- Je suis fatiguée que tu m’insultes! Et tu as osé menacé Chung, et ça, c'est quelque chose que tu n'aurais jamais dû faire! cria Madailéin,
Elle lui donna un coup de poing, tellement fort, qu'elle en avait mal au bras. Wong resta quelques instants le visage figé de stupeur, puis le visage vacilla et tomba en arrière.
- Je te jure que jamais, jamais j’oserai critiquer sa cuisine! dit Sami.
- Qu’est-ce que tu peux être con des fois! répondit Chung.
- Tu as vu sa danse! Magnifique! Tu as vu ses mouvements harmonieux et élégants? Ouf! dit Sami.
- Si tu ne veux pas finir comme ce bouffon, tu ferais mieux de la fermer! C’est ma femme je te signale, dit Chung en le fixant avec des poignards dans les yeux.
- Ne te fâche pas à chaque fois que je parle d’elle, ce ne sont que des compliments! C’est affreux cette jalousie amoureuse. C’est condamnable, mon cher.
- Ta gueule Sami. Tu l'as déjà embrassé!
- Ce n'était qu'un baiser amical, dit-il en souriant. T'inquiètes Chung, il peut rien se passer entre elle et moi, tu sais très bien que Madailéin ne te trahirait jamais. Mais bon… c'est sûr. Elle est très jolie, intelligente, et gentille. Nous avons quasiment les mêmes goûts, mais nous ne pourront jamais être ensemble. La vie est si cruelle, parfois!
- Tu vas la fermer! Je ne suis pas jaloux... juste prudent.
- Qu’est-ce que tu peux être con des fois! répondit Chung.
- Tu as vu sa danse! Magnifique! Tu as vu ses mouvements harmonieux et élégants? Ouf! dit Sami.
- Si tu ne veux pas finir comme ce bouffon, tu ferais mieux de la fermer! C’est ma femme je te signale, dit Chung en le fixant avec des poignards dans les yeux.
- Ne te fâche pas à chaque fois que je parle d’elle, ce ne sont que des compliments! C’est affreux cette jalousie amoureuse. C’est condamnable, mon cher.
- Ta gueule Sami. Tu l'as déjà embrassé!
- Ce n'était qu'un baiser amical, dit-il en souriant. T'inquiètes Chung, il peut rien se passer entre elle et moi, tu sais très bien que Madailéin ne te trahirait jamais. Mais bon… c'est sûr. Elle est très jolie, intelligente, et gentille. Nous avons quasiment les mêmes goûts, mais nous ne pourront jamais être ensemble. La vie est si cruelle, parfois!
- Tu vas la fermer! Je ne suis pas jaloux... juste prudent.
- Ouais c’est ça.
* Note de l'auteure : Juste une petite histoire comme ça... Une petite pause... :-D
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) La reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation de l'auteure.
* Note de l'auteure : Juste une petite histoire comme ça... Une petite pause... :-D
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) La reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation de l'auteure.
Libellés :
écrit par Karole McDowell,
Karole McDowell,
writing by Karole McDowell
I'll become your worst nightmare...
Sami had slided slowly along a wall and began to cry. Tears of a kid who got lost and knows he will never find his way. Everything about him was chaos and destruction and he just hoped he would eventually die. He would not remain eternally conscious to feel this burning pain in his heart.
- Sami? Hey, Sami where are you? Shit... what state you are! You drank too much! said Chung.
-I do not know what that bastard told you, but forget it now! This is a massive tissue of nonsense that comes from the mouth of the most immense asshole I've ever met! Wong is a schemer, Sami!
-I do not know what that bastard told you, but forget it now! This is a massive tissue of nonsense that comes from the mouth of the most immense asshole I've ever met! Wong is a schemer, Sami!
Then he laughed incredulously.
- Damn, if I had been told that I would say one day this kind of stuff! I'll swear that I am more comfortable with the texts of this author!
This was it. Sami came back. Finally. A Sami who smiled at Chung and asked him weakly.
- Since when, she is sentimental in her texts?
- Since when, she is sentimental in her texts?
Chung looked at him falsely outraged.
- She has already written several pages. Well, okay, the dialogue is a bit long, and we do not really know where she goes, but there is! It's really good for growing personal!
Sami said nothing and merely fix Chung intensely.
- She writes horror and it's not, attractive!
Chung looked at his turn and nodded, smiling.
- Yeah!
Suddenly, him and Chung heard a noise and went out the back door of the shop Chung. Stunned, they saw the amazing spectacle of Madailéin and Wong fighting against each other. Of course, they would have liked to understand the replicates that Madailéin said in Irish, but come to think, the show could lost its superb, but fortunately neither of them understood and it was fine.
It was Wong who first hurled a furious expletive.
Suddenly, him and Chung heard a noise and went out the back door of the shop Chung. Stunned, they saw the amazing spectacle of Madailéin and Wong fighting against each other. Of course, they would have liked to understand the replicates that Madailéin said in Irish, but come to think, the show could lost its superb, but fortunately neither of them understood and it was fine.
It was Wong who first hurled a furious expletive.
- Bitch, brainless, you think, you will can stop me to beat your dear Chung? You know his past? You know who he is? He made mistakes and now he is going to pay. So you think only your love for him will help you stop me?
Madailéin, in reply, gave him a masterful punch that slipped through the air. She then had a wide smile.
- No, but I think it really helps anyway! Madailéin said.
- Damn, your wife is doing well anyway! You saw that right! Sami said.
Blood in the mouth, eyes sparkling, Wong waved his arms in the air, forcing back Madailéin who easily avoided the blows of her opponent.
- Damn, your wife is doing well anyway! You saw that right! Sami said.
Blood in the mouth, eyes sparkling, Wong waved his arms in the air, forcing back Madailéin who easily avoided the blows of her opponent.
Madailéin smiled.
This insolent fool who thought he was king, even when he fought against her. She sent him a kick in the chest, pushing him back.
- She plays up too! Sami said surprised.
- She plays up too! Sami said surprised.
- She always surprises me! Do not be angry an Irish! said Chung.
- It's true that it gives a good idea! It was you who taught her that?
- No!
- You've already seen her, it?
- No!
- Perhaps we should be able to help her, you think? Sami said surprised to see Chung's look without flinching.
- I want to see, where she can go. And you're in poor condition. said Chung.
- I want to see, where she can go. And you're in poor condition. said Chung.
- What he did to you exactly for that Madailéin become angry? Sami asks.
- He pushed me and he threatened me to hit me, said Chung.
- He just said that? Are you kidding? Sami said surprised.
- No, I'm not kidding.
- Don't underestimate me, dirty whore. Wong shouted.
- Don't underestimate me, dirty whore. Wong shouted.
- I'm tired, that you insult me! You have dared to threaten him, and that's something you never should do! Madailéin cried, She gave him a punch so hard, she had a sore arm.
Wong remained a few moments the face frozen of stupor, then the face wavered and fell back.
- I swear, that never, never I will dare criticize her cooking! Sami said.
- I swear, that never, never I will dare criticize her cooking! Sami said.
- What you can be stupid sometimes! said Chung.
- You've seen her dance! Wonderful! You saw her movements smooth and elegant? Wow! Sami said.
- If you don't want to finish like this clown, you'd better shut up! It's my wife I will point out, Chung said, fixing it with daggers in the eyes.
- Don't get angry whenever I am talking about her, these are just compliments! It's awful, this jealousy. This is condemnable, my dear.
- Don't get angry whenever I am talking about her, these are just compliments! It's awful, this jealousy. This is condemnable, my dear.
- Shut the fuck up Sami. You've already kissed!
- It was only a friendly kiss, he says, smiling. Do not worry, Chung. Nothing can happen between her and me, you know very well that Madailéin, never betray you. Anyway, she's very pretty, intelligent and kind. We have almost the same tastes, but we can never be together. Life is so cruel sometimes!
- It was only a friendly kiss, he says, smiling. Do not worry, Chung. Nothing can happen between her and me, you know very well that Madailéin, never betray you. Anyway, she's very pretty, intelligent and kind. We have almost the same tastes, but we can never be together. Life is so cruel sometimes!
- Shut up! I'm not jealous ... just careful.
- Yeah, right. Sami said, giving him an pat on his shoulder.
* Author's note: Just a little story ... A little break ... :-D
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.
Libellés :
écrit par Karole McDowell,
writing by Karole McDowell
Stay with me...
They were everything to each other. She loved him with all his heart. He was her reason for living. They had sworn to remain faithful and never leave. Everyone told them they formed the perfect couple. Until one day, she was home, she waited for him to come get her. But for the first time he was late, not delayed anondin, fifteen or thirty minutes, but more than three hours. She worried, she tried to call, but there was no answer.
An hour later, we knocked on her door. All happy to think than it was his love, she opened the door with haste. She lost her smile, seeing a policeman, it said that her boyfriend had been attacked, there is an hour ago.
- You know a man named Sami? the policeman asked.
- Yes, it is his friend, why do you ask? asked her, throat tied.
- You were aware of grudge between them? the policeman asked.
- No, everything was fine! I do not understand! she said trying to hold back her tears.
- Your boyfriend was stabbed 14 times by his friend Sami. No sign of a struggle were found. His friend confessed his crime a few minutes ago about that. Your boyfriend was still alive when we arrived on the scene, to the big surprise of the rescuers.
She shouted, she was crying, asking why he had not come to tell her before. She was hitting him. He kept her arms, and asked her to follow him. They went to the hospital. She was brought into the chamber, where Chung, where seemed to wait that she arrives to go to another world. She approached him, she stroked his hair and he opened his eyes, hardly. He slowly raised his hand to grab hers. He pulled a little. She approached his face and put her ear close to mouths of Chung.
- I love you my love, I'm sorry, I can not keep my promise to never leave you, but I always watch over you, I'll always be with you!
He closed his eyes and died.
The police came to her side, asking her to come out. She did not want, saying never, she'll let him alone in this room. The officer took her by the arm and trying to console her, at least he was trying. But she fell down screaming with all her might. Her world had just collapsed, the man she loved most in the world, no longer existed, why continue to live.
She was silent, for weeks, she ate nothing, her health was wasting away. The parents and sister of Chung, worried.
When they went to take of her new, the parents of Chung found her inert in the bathroom, lying on the ground. The blank look, the face wrinkled. Panicked, Chung's mother called her daughter and cried to come as quickly as possible. Fai arrived, and when she saw Madailéin, lying on the floor, his heart jumped a beat. She tried to revive her. She called the ambulance when her heart began again to beat. She was weak, since that she refused to eat.
A few days later, the doctor went to see her in her hospital room in company with Fai, he had something important. to tell her. Fai gasped when she heard the doctor say to Madailéin, that she was pregnant. She who refused to speak to anyone, turned her head toward the doctor. He was in her womb, the Chung's baby, the man she loved most in the world. A part of him growing up in her. This baby will always remind her, the one whom she loves so, he was right, he will always be with her.
Chung's sister, walked away from Madailéin, and joined the doctor was out.
- Doctor! Fai cried.
- Yes, he replied surprised.
- She is pregnant, you're sure? she asked, intrigued. You know and I know, that the baby would not survive. How is this possible?
- You know Miss Fai, she was not pregnant when she arrived at the hospital, or at least I did not see pregnancy, even after making the tests.
- I don't understand! Fai said.
- Let me tell you, I do not understand either. But I am a doctor, and for the unexplained phenomenons, it is not my area.
- Unexplained Phenomenons? It's madness! she said with astonishment.
He paused, he moved forward a few steps and turned around abruptly.
- You know, there are 161 years, a pregnant woman came into disaster in this hospital, which at that time was not designed for such complications. Her husband had died in an accident. The woman gave birth to a stillborn baby. But when doctors wanted to get rid of the baby, he began to cry. He was crying so hard, they had an earache.
Fai looked at him not at all convinced.
- The most surprising, the woman had a visit from a couple with their baby, a baby girl. The woman decided that her son would be named: Chung.
- The couple's daughter's first name? Fai said with a smile.
- You and your smile, just look in the archives of the hospital.
- You can tell me how this little girl's name! she cried.
- Madailéin, Miss ... Madailéin.
Fai remained speechless.
- Me, I do not care, I'm going to retire in a month. But... a warning, Never remove the child from his mother... your family would therefore be in great danger.
- Why would we do such a thing? she asked, almost insulted.
- Have a good evening Miss Fai.
The next day Madailéin awoke with a start. She spent a night full of nightmares. She thought to Chung. She does not see him beside her. It's really a nightmare? Chung was really dead? Her heart was pounding. She could hardly stand up. She touched her belly, she was really pregnant? She looked around her, as if to check if it was a dream or reality or a dream as real as that she has done!
- Chung? Are you there? cried she, not daring to come out of the room.
- ...
- CHUNG? she shouted.
The voice came from the room. Chung jumped from his chair, he was not nervous, but the cry of his girlfriend, had surprised him. He turned his head slightly to see Madailéin who looked at him, with eyes wide open. She was even paler than usual.
* Author's note: The story is almost over, but I'll have to rework it.
- Karole
An hour later, we knocked on her door. All happy to think than it was his love, she opened the door with haste. She lost her smile, seeing a policeman, it said that her boyfriend had been attacked, there is an hour ago.
- You know a man named Sami? the policeman asked.
- Yes, it is his friend, why do you ask? asked her, throat tied.
- You were aware of grudge between them? the policeman asked.
- No, everything was fine! I do not understand! she said trying to hold back her tears.
- Your boyfriend was stabbed 14 times by his friend Sami. No sign of a struggle were found. His friend confessed his crime a few minutes ago about that. Your boyfriend was still alive when we arrived on the scene, to the big surprise of the rescuers.
She shouted, she was crying, asking why he had not come to tell her before. She was hitting him. He kept her arms, and asked her to follow him. They went to the hospital. She was brought into the chamber, where Chung, where seemed to wait that she arrives to go to another world. She approached him, she stroked his hair and he opened his eyes, hardly. He slowly raised his hand to grab hers. He pulled a little. She approached his face and put her ear close to mouths of Chung.
- I love you my love, I'm sorry, I can not keep my promise to never leave you, but I always watch over you, I'll always be with you!
He closed his eyes and died.
The police came to her side, asking her to come out. She did not want, saying never, she'll let him alone in this room. The officer took her by the arm and trying to console her, at least he was trying. But she fell down screaming with all her might. Her world had just collapsed, the man she loved most in the world, no longer existed, why continue to live.
She was silent, for weeks, she ate nothing, her health was wasting away. The parents and sister of Chung, worried.
When they went to take of her new, the parents of Chung found her inert in the bathroom, lying on the ground. The blank look, the face wrinkled. Panicked, Chung's mother called her daughter and cried to come as quickly as possible. Fai arrived, and when she saw Madailéin, lying on the floor, his heart jumped a beat. She tried to revive her. She called the ambulance when her heart began again to beat. She was weak, since that she refused to eat.
A few days later, the doctor went to see her in her hospital room in company with Fai, he had something important. to tell her. Fai gasped when she heard the doctor say to Madailéin, that she was pregnant. She who refused to speak to anyone, turned her head toward the doctor. He was in her womb, the Chung's baby, the man she loved most in the world. A part of him growing up in her. This baby will always remind her, the one whom she loves so, he was right, he will always be with her.
Chung's sister, walked away from Madailéin, and joined the doctor was out.
- Doctor! Fai cried.
- Yes, he replied surprised.
- She is pregnant, you're sure? she asked, intrigued. You know and I know, that the baby would not survive. How is this possible?
- You know Miss Fai, she was not pregnant when she arrived at the hospital, or at least I did not see pregnancy, even after making the tests.
- I don't understand! Fai said.
- Let me tell you, I do not understand either. But I am a doctor, and for the unexplained phenomenons, it is not my area.
- Unexplained Phenomenons? It's madness! she said with astonishment.
He paused, he moved forward a few steps and turned around abruptly.
- You know, there are 161 years, a pregnant woman came into disaster in this hospital, which at that time was not designed for such complications. Her husband had died in an accident. The woman gave birth to a stillborn baby. But when doctors wanted to get rid of the baby, he began to cry. He was crying so hard, they had an earache.
Fai looked at him not at all convinced.
- The most surprising, the woman had a visit from a couple with their baby, a baby girl. The woman decided that her son would be named: Chung.
- The couple's daughter's first name? Fai said with a smile.
- You and your smile, just look in the archives of the hospital.
- You can tell me how this little girl's name! she cried.
- Madailéin, Miss ... Madailéin.
Fai remained speechless.
- Me, I do not care, I'm going to retire in a month. But... a warning, Never remove the child from his mother... your family would therefore be in great danger.
- Why would we do such a thing? she asked, almost insulted.
- Have a good evening Miss Fai.
The next day Madailéin awoke with a start. She spent a night full of nightmares. She thought to Chung. She does not see him beside her. It's really a nightmare? Chung was really dead? Her heart was pounding. She could hardly stand up. She touched her belly, she was really pregnant? She looked around her, as if to check if it was a dream or reality or a dream as real as that she has done!
- Chung? Are you there? cried she, not daring to come out of the room.
- ...
- CHUNG? she shouted.
The voice came from the room. Chung jumped from his chair, he was not nervous, but the cry of his girlfriend, had surprised him. He turned his head slightly to see Madailéin who looked at him, with eyes wide open. She was even paler than usual.
* Author's note: The story is almost over, but I'll have to rework it.
- Karole
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.
Libellés :
écrit par Karole McDowell,
writing by Karole McDowell
dimanche, janvier 30, 2011
Suite : extrait de mon roman à venir
Les minutes filèrent, elle restait là, immobile, incapable de bouger. Elle se retourna, en entendant des pas arrivés au loin. Il était là, le Diable se tenait derrière elle. Il la fixe de son regard perçant. Un sourire figé, laisse entrevoir des dents blanches. Son corps est musclé. Ses longues jambes sont recouvertes d'un pantalon noir. Son style est royal et fier. Il sourit, un sourire de convoitise. Sa langue exsangue, passe et repasse sur ses lèvres rouges.
Elle se sent hypnotisée, figée au sol. Elle essaie autant qu’elle peut de communiquer avec sa voix intérieure, rien ne se passe. Il n’y a que lui devant elle. Il s'avance, puis d’un geste rapide et sans bruit, il se colle derrière elle. Lentement, tendrement, avec des gestes d'une douceur diabolique, il commence à la caresser. Il la retourne brusquement. Il saisit doucement son visage entre ses mains. Il plonge son regard dans le sien, se noyant dans ses yeux. Il s'approche de son visage, son désir est à son comble. Il pose ses lèvres glacées sur ses lèvres. Elle se tend brusquement, tentant d'échapper à l'étreinte monstrueuse. Mais il la tient fermement.
Il pourrait la laisser, mais il ne peut pas, il ne veut pas. Son désir de la posséder le tenaille trop. Il fit pénétrer sa langue trop chaude dans la bouche avec infiniment de délicatesse et d'amour, il s'enfonce en elle, la prenant avec désir et passion. Sa main glisse sur les cheveux, puis descend jusqu'à sa poitrine. Un désir intense l'envahit. Il a faim d'elle. Il ne comprend pas, elle le possède. Ses lents mouvements de langue lui arrachent des gémissements, il sent la jouissance monter en lui. Il n'est pas amour, pourquoi ce sentiment soudain. Son plaisir est tel, qu'il veut aller jusqu'au bout de l'extase même si la trahison de son plan diabolique en est le prix.
L'homme s'écarte lentement, la regardant une dernière fois. Elle est encore plus belle qu'il l’avait imaginé. Il hésite, il peut encore la posséder, la rendre tel que lui. Mais il fit un cri long et déchirant. Il leva les yeux, la regarda encore. Il ne comprend toujours pas, un sentiment jaillit en lui… ce sentiment est-ce de l’amour? Sans un regard cette fois, il recula lentement, et s'éloigna. Il ne reste plus que cet endroit sombre et ténébreux. Plus aucun bruit ne se fit entendre.
Libellés :
écrit par Karole McDowell,
writing by Karole McDowell
Excerpts from my upcoming novel
As she saw him constantly, she had become accustomed to his voice, his gestures, his person, as you get used to those who, we were almost continually live. He talk to her of the charming words, pressing her hands, kissing them. She could feel the warmth of his skin and his breath.
Gradually he embraced her in his arms, kissing her cheeks, she did nothing to escape him. He brushed her lips without a kiss. It was a moment of happiness hyperacute and superhuman, magical, sincere. She loved him, she didn't want, but true. He knows, she knows, they knew it.
He had found his wife lost, in another time, his wife forgotten, calumniated by all. She told him everything, even the fear she had. They spent long hours together exalted love, where souls alone hugging. Then they would separate, excited, defaulting feverish.
Their lips brushed against sometimes, they enjoyed the caress passionate but chaste.
He guessed the struggles of her heart. Their mouths at all times repel and to be found immediately. Touching her hand, he felt. "That's her," he said. He began to talk in hushed tones, tender and gallant, cradling that soul who in past he had loved with all his heart.
She listened without answer. She saw him, there was no other man in the world, and her ears trembled when these three words: "I love you," he said to her, kissing her hand.
It was him, who pressed her chest against his heart, it was him, who threw on her lips, those caresses victorious. It was him, that she hugged, that she embraced, she called him the breath of her heart.
It was him, her husband she loved so much. It was he whom she loved strongly today, as she had loved him in another life, of a deep love. The sensations they were feeling without even practicing the sexual act, said a lot about their true love, a universal cosmic love.
Karole McDowell 2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.
Gradually he embraced her in his arms, kissing her cheeks, she did nothing to escape him. He brushed her lips without a kiss. It was a moment of happiness hyperacute and superhuman, magical, sincere. She loved him, she didn't want, but true. He knows, she knows, they knew it.
He had found his wife lost, in another time, his wife forgotten, calumniated by all. She told him everything, even the fear she had. They spent long hours together exalted love, where souls alone hugging. Then they would separate, excited, defaulting feverish.
Their lips brushed against sometimes, they enjoyed the caress passionate but chaste.
He guessed the struggles of her heart. Their mouths at all times repel and to be found immediately. Touching her hand, he felt. "That's her," he said. He began to talk in hushed tones, tender and gallant, cradling that soul who in past he had loved with all his heart.
She listened without answer. She saw him, there was no other man in the world, and her ears trembled when these three words: "I love you," he said to her, kissing her hand.
It was him, who pressed her chest against his heart, it was him, who threw on her lips, those caresses victorious. It was him, that she hugged, that she embraced, she called him the breath of her heart.
It was him, her husband she loved so much. It was he whom she loved strongly today, as she had loved him in another life, of a deep love. The sensations they were feeling without even practicing the sexual act, said a lot about their true love, a universal cosmic love.
Karole McDowell 2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.
Another excerpt from my upcoming novel (2011)
The minutes passed, her remained there motionless, unable of move. She turned and when she heard footsteps beside her. He was there, the Devil was behind her. He fixed, with his piercing eyes. A fixed smile, a glimpse of white teeth. His body is muscular. His long legs are covered with black pants. His style is royal and proud. He smiled a smile of lust. His blood tongue, pass, and returns on his lips red.
She felt hypnotized, pinned on the ground. She tries as she can to communicate with her interior voice, nothing happens. Only him, before her. He walks, then a quick movement and without noise, he sticks behind her. Slowly, tenderly, with gestures of devilish sweetness, he began to caress her. He turns abruptly. He gently took her face in his hands. He plunged his look into hers, drowning in her eyes. He approaches her face, his desire is at its peak. He lays his icy lips on her lips. She tightens sharply, trying to escape the monstrous hug. But he held her firmly.
He could let this woman go, but he can not, and he does not want. His desire to possess her, is too strong. He did enter his tongue too hot in her mouth, with infinite delicacy and love, he plunged in her, taking her with desire and passion. His hand slipped over her hair, then went down to her chest. An intense desire came in him. He's hungry of her. He does not understand, she possesses him. His slow tongue movements, procured him, moans, he felt the pleasure rising in him. He is not love, why this sudden feeling? His pleasure is such that he wants to go through with ecstasy, even if the betrayal of his evil plan, is the price.
The man moves away slowly. He looks at her one last time. She is even more beautiful than he had imagined. He hesitates, she can still be his own, make her like him. But he made a long and harrowing cry. He raised his eyes, looked at her again. He still does not understand, a feeling wells up within him ... the feeling is it love? Without looking this time he drew back slowly, and walked away. It remains that this place, dark and gloomy. No noise was heard.
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited withoutpermission from the author.
She felt hypnotized, pinned on the ground. She tries as she can to communicate with her interior voice, nothing happens. Only him, before her. He walks, then a quick movement and without noise, he sticks behind her. Slowly, tenderly, with gestures of devilish sweetness, he began to caress her. He turns abruptly. He gently took her face in his hands. He plunged his look into hers, drowning in her eyes. He approaches her face, his desire is at its peak. He lays his icy lips on her lips. She tightens sharply, trying to escape the monstrous hug. But he held her firmly.
He could let this woman go, but he can not, and he does not want. His desire to possess her, is too strong. He did enter his tongue too hot in her mouth, with infinite delicacy and love, he plunged in her, taking her with desire and passion. His hand slipped over her hair, then went down to her chest. An intense desire came in him. He's hungry of her. He does not understand, she possesses him. His slow tongue movements, procured him, moans, he felt the pleasure rising in him. He is not love, why this sudden feeling? His pleasure is such that he wants to go through with ecstasy, even if the betrayal of his evil plan, is the price.
The man moves away slowly. He looks at her one last time. She is even more beautiful than he had imagined. He hesitates, she can still be his own, make her like him. But he made a long and harrowing cry. He raised his eyes, looked at her again. He still does not understand, a feeling wells up within him ... the feeling is it love? Without looking this time he drew back slowly, and walked away. It remains that this place, dark and gloomy. No noise was heard.
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited withoutpermission from the author.
Manuscrit End of Lies, upcoming 2011
Passion matinale...
À son réveil, Madailéin se dirigea vers la cuisine, pour se faire un café bien serré. La porte de la chambre s'ouvrit. Chung était là, derrière elle. Il leva les yeux vers elle, et il se rapprocha d'elle. Madailéin se figea, quand elle sentit Chung l'attraper par son poignet.
- Tu veux un café? demande-t-elle.
- Non, je veux pas de café. S'il te plait, regarde-moi, dit-il. Je t'en prie, regarde-moi.
Elle se dégagea un peu et ancra son regard dans le sien.
Il se pencha sur elle et écrasa ses lèvres sur les siennes. Elle fut tellement surprise qu'elle mit du temps à réagir. Son baiser se fraya un chemin jusqu'à son cerveau et elle le repoussa brutalement. Il fit un pas vers elle.
- Chung, pourquoi tu me fais ça, ça t'amuse de me torturer? dit-elle furieuse.
Elle baissa la tête et la secoua de droite à gauche. Il fit un pas vers elle, puis encore un autre, et la prit dans ses bras. Elle le repoussa encore une fois.
- Laisse-moi t'aimer, Madailéin.
Il pressa ses lèvres sur les siennes. Il joua un instant avec sa bouche, puis il passa sa langue sur sa lèvre inférieure. La sensation de sa langue sur sa bouche, lui donna une bouffée de chaleur. Il la serra plus fort contre lui. Elle plongea sa main dans ses cheveux et elle serra. Il grogna et elle put sentir toute sa virilité se manifester à cette instant.
Elle s'écarta. Il la regarda, il se rapprocha d'elle et se frotta contre elle. Un gémissement sortit de ses lèvres.
-Dis-le moi, Madailéin! Dis-le moi! dit-il.
- Je t'aime, Chung.
Il gémit de plaisir. Le savoir si près d'elle, était tellement bon qu'elle ne voulut jamais que ça s'arrête.
Il lui fit un timide sourire.
- Quelques heures avec moi et tu ne pourras plus jamais te passer de moi.
- Tu n'es qu'un vantard, Chung. dit-elle en souriant.
- Peut-être, mais je vais t'aimer, jusqu'à ce que tu n'aies plus aucune force.
Il lui fit son irrésistible sourire.
- Tu vas voir des étoiles, mon amour. dit-il, sûr de lui.
Doucement, il caressa la courbe de son visage et, sans rien dire, il déposa un chaste baiser sur ses lèvres. Il ne voulait pas lui faire peur, il lui fit des caresses à peine perceptibles, sa main tremblait. Elle s'était figée comme une statue, son regard étonné rivé au sien.
Il la prit par la main et l'amena dans la chambre. Avant qu'elle ne puisse dire un mot, il se pencha sur elle et leurs lèvres se trouvèrent. Il avait envie, trop envie. Il craignait de ne pouvoir se contrôler. Il sentait qu'elle se retenait à cause de lui. Son esprit était un champ de bataille. Sa personnalité la plus raisonnable le suppliait, de la laisser tranquille. Alors que cette partie de lui était sur le point de gagner le combat, il entendit Madailéin lui susurrer doucement son prénom, tout contre ses lèvres. Il pouvait sentir l'enivrante odeur de sa bouche et, pour la première fois depuis qu'ils étaient ensemble, il répondit à son appel.
Comme si elle venait de réaliser ce qu'il s'apprêtait à faire, ce fut elle qui le repoussa.
- Que fais-tu, Chung? demanda-t-elle surprise par ce changement soudain.
- N'est-ce pas toujours ce que tu as souhaité, Madailéin? dit-il intrigué.
- Bien sûr, Chung, mais tu m'as toujours repoussée, alors pourquoi tu fais ça?
Elle semblait perdue. D'une caresse sur le bras, il l'incita à continuer.
Elle se mit à rougir.
Il adorait la voir rougir. Ce qui lui rappelait à quel point elle était blanche.
- Chung, pas maintenant. dit-elle.
Il pressa ses doigts un peu plus autour de son bras.
- Madailéin, laisse-moi faire. Tu m'as mis dans un tel état, Madailéin... Un état que toi seule peut apaiser.
Il était effarée devant la passion qui transparaissaient dans ses propres paroles. En temps normal, il aurait rougi, mais commençant à perdre patience, il la fit taire en plaquant sa bouche contre la sienne, si chaude, si douce. Il ferma les yeux et força la bouche de Madailéin à s'ouvrir.
Elle sursauta lorsque sa langue rencontra la sienne.
- Chung, qu'est-ce que tu fais? Pourquoi décides-tu de m'embrasser comme ça? dit-elle et tournant la tête.
Ce fut électrique. Il tenta avec peine de se contrôler… et elle sentit les draps se déchirer sous elle, tellement il avait du mal à garder son contrôle. Il désirait Madailéin, il la désirait tellement fort.
D'une main tremblante, il remonta sa robe et effleura un de ses seins. Sa réaction ne se fit pas attendre, elle se colla contre lui. Il avait tellement besoin de ses caresses qu'il ne la retint pas lorsqu'elle lui enleva le t-shirt qu'il portait.
Un son sourd sortit de sa gorge et il releva la tête. Elle l'interrogea du regard.
"Elle est à moi! Rien qu'à moi", se dit-il.
De son corps, il la coinça sur le futon. Son désir augmentait, tandis qu'il essayait de garder le contrôle. Il se plaqua contre elle, il lui fit comprendre à quel point il la désirait. Il avait des gestes brusques et doux à la fois. Son regard n'avait plus rien d'humain, il n'avait plus le regard d'un homme, mais celui d'une bête sauvage.
Cette fois, il passa son bras autour de son cou et son autre main enfouie dans sa tignasse. Ne sachant que faire devant cet élan de désir, il se positionna entre ses jambes et il fut surpris par cette chaleur intense qui s'y dégageait. Il sentit son pantalon devenir trop étroit et des images inédites, impures défilèrent dans son cerveau.
- Madailéin, tu vas me rendre complètement cinglé, dit-il.
Elle était heureuse et inquiète à la fois. Ce regard qu'elle n'avait jamais vu avant. Cet homme qui la regardait n'était plus son amoureux, mais un autre complètement différent. Il la prit par les cheveux et tira sa tête vers l'arrière. Il lui mordilla le cou, il semblait humer son odeur comme un tigre, le fait avec sa proie. Il l'entourait comme un serpent.
Son envie augmenta de façon exponentielle. Pris par un vertige, il cacha sa tête dans son cou pour se calmer.
- Chung, arrête, n'allons pas plus loin.
Il lui fallut un moment pour réaliser ce qu'elle venait de dire.
- Pourquoi? protesta-t-il.
- Je suis prête à attendre encore un peu. Ce soir, tu m'as déjà donné ce que je n'espérais plus de ta part. dit-elle.
- Tu as peur? demanda-t-il déçu.
- ...
- Tu as peur de moi? Tu as peur de quoi? demande-t-il une autre fois.
Elle reposa ses yeux sur lui.
- Non! s'exclama t-elle. Seulement, tu sais… cela fait près d'un an que tu me repousses sans arrêt. Je suis un peu déboussolée.
Il finit par comprendre ce qu'elle voulait dire et ou elle voulait en venir. Il éclata de rire, agacé.
- Pourquoi tu te moques de moi, Chung? demande-t-elle, insultée.
- Tu veux un café? demande-t-elle.
- Non, je veux pas de café. S'il te plait, regarde-moi, dit-il. Je t'en prie, regarde-moi.
Elle se dégagea un peu et ancra son regard dans le sien.
Il se pencha sur elle et écrasa ses lèvres sur les siennes. Elle fut tellement surprise qu'elle mit du temps à réagir. Son baiser se fraya un chemin jusqu'à son cerveau et elle le repoussa brutalement. Il fit un pas vers elle.
- Chung, pourquoi tu me fais ça, ça t'amuse de me torturer? dit-elle furieuse.
Elle baissa la tête et la secoua de droite à gauche. Il fit un pas vers elle, puis encore un autre, et la prit dans ses bras. Elle le repoussa encore une fois.
- Laisse-moi t'aimer, Madailéin.
Il pressa ses lèvres sur les siennes. Il joua un instant avec sa bouche, puis il passa sa langue sur sa lèvre inférieure. La sensation de sa langue sur sa bouche, lui donna une bouffée de chaleur. Il la serra plus fort contre lui. Elle plongea sa main dans ses cheveux et elle serra. Il grogna et elle put sentir toute sa virilité se manifester à cette instant.
Elle s'écarta. Il la regarda, il se rapprocha d'elle et se frotta contre elle. Un gémissement sortit de ses lèvres.
-Dis-le moi, Madailéin! Dis-le moi! dit-il.
- Je t'aime, Chung.
Il gémit de plaisir. Le savoir si près d'elle, était tellement bon qu'elle ne voulut jamais que ça s'arrête.
Il lui fit un timide sourire.
- Quelques heures avec moi et tu ne pourras plus jamais te passer de moi.
- Tu n'es qu'un vantard, Chung. dit-elle en souriant.
- Peut-être, mais je vais t'aimer, jusqu'à ce que tu n'aies plus aucune force.
Il lui fit son irrésistible sourire.
- Tu vas voir des étoiles, mon amour. dit-il, sûr de lui.
Doucement, il caressa la courbe de son visage et, sans rien dire, il déposa un chaste baiser sur ses lèvres. Il ne voulait pas lui faire peur, il lui fit des caresses à peine perceptibles, sa main tremblait. Elle s'était figée comme une statue, son regard étonné rivé au sien.
Il la prit par la main et l'amena dans la chambre. Avant qu'elle ne puisse dire un mot, il se pencha sur elle et leurs lèvres se trouvèrent. Il avait envie, trop envie. Il craignait de ne pouvoir se contrôler. Il sentait qu'elle se retenait à cause de lui. Son esprit était un champ de bataille. Sa personnalité la plus raisonnable le suppliait, de la laisser tranquille. Alors que cette partie de lui était sur le point de gagner le combat, il entendit Madailéin lui susurrer doucement son prénom, tout contre ses lèvres. Il pouvait sentir l'enivrante odeur de sa bouche et, pour la première fois depuis qu'ils étaient ensemble, il répondit à son appel.
Comme si elle venait de réaliser ce qu'il s'apprêtait à faire, ce fut elle qui le repoussa.
- Que fais-tu, Chung? demanda-t-elle surprise par ce changement soudain.
- N'est-ce pas toujours ce que tu as souhaité, Madailéin? dit-il intrigué.
- Bien sûr, Chung, mais tu m'as toujours repoussée, alors pourquoi tu fais ça?
Elle semblait perdue. D'une caresse sur le bras, il l'incita à continuer.
Elle se mit à rougir.
Il adorait la voir rougir. Ce qui lui rappelait à quel point elle était blanche.
- Chung, pas maintenant. dit-elle.
Il pressa ses doigts un peu plus autour de son bras.
- Madailéin, laisse-moi faire. Tu m'as mis dans un tel état, Madailéin... Un état que toi seule peut apaiser.
Il était effarée devant la passion qui transparaissaient dans ses propres paroles. En temps normal, il aurait rougi, mais commençant à perdre patience, il la fit taire en plaquant sa bouche contre la sienne, si chaude, si douce. Il ferma les yeux et força la bouche de Madailéin à s'ouvrir.
Elle sursauta lorsque sa langue rencontra la sienne.
- Chung, qu'est-ce que tu fais? Pourquoi décides-tu de m'embrasser comme ça? dit-elle et tournant la tête.
Ce fut électrique. Il tenta avec peine de se contrôler… et elle sentit les draps se déchirer sous elle, tellement il avait du mal à garder son contrôle. Il désirait Madailéin, il la désirait tellement fort.
D'une main tremblante, il remonta sa robe et effleura un de ses seins. Sa réaction ne se fit pas attendre, elle se colla contre lui. Il avait tellement besoin de ses caresses qu'il ne la retint pas lorsqu'elle lui enleva le t-shirt qu'il portait.
Un son sourd sortit de sa gorge et il releva la tête. Elle l'interrogea du regard.
"Elle est à moi! Rien qu'à moi", se dit-il.
De son corps, il la coinça sur le futon. Son désir augmentait, tandis qu'il essayait de garder le contrôle. Il se plaqua contre elle, il lui fit comprendre à quel point il la désirait. Il avait des gestes brusques et doux à la fois. Son regard n'avait plus rien d'humain, il n'avait plus le regard d'un homme, mais celui d'une bête sauvage.
Cette fois, il passa son bras autour de son cou et son autre main enfouie dans sa tignasse. Ne sachant que faire devant cet élan de désir, il se positionna entre ses jambes et il fut surpris par cette chaleur intense qui s'y dégageait. Il sentit son pantalon devenir trop étroit et des images inédites, impures défilèrent dans son cerveau.
- Madailéin, tu vas me rendre complètement cinglé, dit-il.
Elle était heureuse et inquiète à la fois. Ce regard qu'elle n'avait jamais vu avant. Cet homme qui la regardait n'était plus son amoureux, mais un autre complètement différent. Il la prit par les cheveux et tira sa tête vers l'arrière. Il lui mordilla le cou, il semblait humer son odeur comme un tigre, le fait avec sa proie. Il l'entourait comme un serpent.
Son envie augmenta de façon exponentielle. Pris par un vertige, il cacha sa tête dans son cou pour se calmer.
- Chung, arrête, n'allons pas plus loin.
Il lui fallut un moment pour réaliser ce qu'elle venait de dire.
- Pourquoi? protesta-t-il.
- Je suis prête à attendre encore un peu. Ce soir, tu m'as déjà donné ce que je n'espérais plus de ta part. dit-elle.
- Tu as peur? demanda-t-il déçu.
- ...
- Tu as peur de moi? Tu as peur de quoi? demande-t-il une autre fois.
Elle reposa ses yeux sur lui.
- Non! s'exclama t-elle. Seulement, tu sais… cela fait près d'un an que tu me repousses sans arrêt. Je suis un peu déboussolée.
Il finit par comprendre ce qu'elle voulait dire et ou elle voulait en venir. Il éclata de rire, agacé.
- Pourquoi tu te moques de moi, Chung? demande-t-elle, insultée.
Il calma sa crise de rire.
- Je ne me moque pas du tout, ne crains rien mon amour. Tu es à moi, maintenant. Ne l'oublie jamais.
En souriant, elle enfouit son visage contre son torse.
- Chung, je suis prête à attendre encore un peu plus. Je ne veux pas que tu le fasses pour me faire plaisir.
Il s'enleva de sur elle, et s'allongea à ses côtés.
- Tu crois que je voulais le faire pour te faire plaisir? Que c'était une mise en scène. Je te ferai remarquer que j'ai... avant toi. Si tu vois ce que je veux dire. Mais c'est comme tu le désires, Madailéin, si ça peut te rendre heureuse... dit-il en soupirant fortement.
- Oui, ça me rendrait heureuse. dit-elle.
- Je ferai n'importe quoi pour toi! dit-il.
"Mais… elle me laisse frustré comme jamais, c'est chiant!" se dit-il.
Elle se leva et retourna à la cuisine.
"Voilà, sens ce que je ressens depuis 8 mois, mon amour" se dit-elle.
- Je ne me moque pas du tout, ne crains rien mon amour. Tu es à moi, maintenant. Ne l'oublie jamais.
En souriant, elle enfouit son visage contre son torse.
- Chung, je suis prête à attendre encore un peu plus. Je ne veux pas que tu le fasses pour me faire plaisir.
Il s'enleva de sur elle, et s'allongea à ses côtés.
- Tu crois que je voulais le faire pour te faire plaisir? Que c'était une mise en scène. Je te ferai remarquer que j'ai... avant toi. Si tu vois ce que je veux dire. Mais c'est comme tu le désires, Madailéin, si ça peut te rendre heureuse... dit-il en soupirant fortement.
- Oui, ça me rendrait heureuse. dit-elle.
- Je ferai n'importe quoi pour toi! dit-il.
"Mais… elle me laisse frustré comme jamais, c'est chiant!" se dit-il.
Elle se leva et retourna à la cuisine.
"Voilà, sens ce que je ressens depuis 8 mois, mon amour" se dit-elle.
Elle entendit des pas derrière elle. Elle se retourna, il était là, le regard encore plus sauvage.
- Je ne veux pas t'entendre dire que tu ne veux pas, dit Chung d'une voix tendue. Parce que là, je risque de vraiment mal le prendre.
Il l'attrapa vivement par le bras. Elle dut courir pour suivre la cadence de son pas. Il l'amena dans la chambre, et il referma la porte violemment.
* Note de l'auteure : En espérant que cela vous plaise. Bonne lecture!
* Note de l'auteure : En espérant que cela vous plaise. Bonne lecture!
Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) La reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation de l'auteure.
You're killing me...
When she awoke, Madailéin, walked to the kitchen to make a quite vigorous coffee. The door of the room opened. Chung was there behind her. He looked up at her, and he approached her. Madailéin froze when she felt Chung took her by the wrist.
- You want some coffee? she asks.
- Why you make fun of me Chung? she asked, insulted.
- You want some coffee? she asks.
- No, I want no coffee. Please, look at me, he said. I beg you, look at me.
She moved away a bit and put her eyes in his own.
He leaned over her and he kissed on her lips, with passion. She was so surprised that she was slow to react. His kiss made her way to her brain and she pushed him away suddenly. He stepped toward her.
He leaned over her and he kissed on her lips, with passion. She was so surprised that she was slow to react. His kiss made her way to her brain and she pushed him away suddenly. He stepped toward her.
- Chung, why are you doing this, it amuses you torturing me? she said angrily.
She bowed her head and shook it from right to left. He stepped toward her, then another, and took her in his arms. She pushed him away again.
- Let me love you, Madailéin.
- Let me love you, Madailéin.
He squeezed his lips on hers. He played a moment with her mouth, then he passed his tongue over her lower lip. The sensation of his tongue on her lips, gave her a hot flash. He pressed her harder against him. She dipped her hand in his hair and shook it. He grunted and she could feel his manhood all occur at this time. She stepped aside.
He looked at her, he approached her and rubbed against her. A groan came from his lips.
-Tell me, Madailéin! Tell me! he said.
-Tell me, Madailéin! Tell me! he said.
- I love you, Chung.
He groaned with pleasure. Feel him so close to her, was so good that she never wanted, it to stop. He made her a shy smile.
- Just few hours with me and you will never be able to do without me.
- Just few hours with me and you will never be able to do without me.
- You are a boastful, Chung. she said, smiling.
- Maybe, but I'll love you until you have no strength.
He made his irresistible smile.
- You'll see stars, my love. he said, sure of himself.
Gently, he stroked the curve of her face and without saying anything, he placed a chaste kiss on her lips. He did not want to scare him. He hugs made her barely discernible, his trembling hand.
Gently, he stroked the curve of her face and without saying anything, he placed a chaste kiss on her lips. He did not want to scare him. He hugs made her barely discernible, his trembling hand.
She was frozen as a statue, her eyes riveted on him, surprise.
He took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom. Before she could say a word, he leaned over her and their lips were found. He wanted her, too eager. He feared not being able to control himself. He felt she was holding, because of him. His mind was a battlefield. His personality the most reasonable and begged him to leave her alone. While this part of him trying to win the battle, he heard Madailéin, whispering his name softly against his lips. He could smell the exhilarating scent of her mouth and, for the first time since they were together, he answered her call.
As if she had realized what he was going to do, it was her who pushed him away.
He took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom. Before she could say a word, he leaned over her and their lips were found. He wanted her, too eager. He feared not being able to control himself. He felt she was holding, because of him. His mind was a battlefield. His personality the most reasonable and begged him to leave her alone. While this part of him trying to win the battle, he heard Madailéin, whispering his name softly against his lips. He could smell the exhilarating scent of her mouth and, for the first time since they were together, he answered her call.
As if she had realized what he was going to do, it was her who pushed him away.
- What are you doing, Chung? she asked, surprised by this sudden change.
- Is not always what you want, Madailéin? he said puzzled.
- Sure, Chung, but you always pushed me, so why are you doing this?
She seemed lost. In a caress on the arm, he encouraged her to continue.
She seemed lost. In a caress on the arm, he encouraged her to continue.
She began to blush.
He loved to see her blush. Which reminded him how much she was white.
- Chung, not now. she said.
He squeezed his fingers a bit more around her arm.
- Madailéin, let me do it. You put me in such a state, Madailéin ... A state that, you alone can soothe.
He was terrified of the passions that were reflected in his own words. Under normal circumstances, he would have blushed, but starting to lose patience, he shut her up by plating his mouth against hers, so warm, so sweet. He closed his eyes, and forced Madailéin to open her mouth. She gasped when his tongue met hers.
He was terrified of the passions that were reflected in his own words. Under normal circumstances, he would have blushed, but starting to lose patience, he shut her up by plating his mouth against hers, so warm, so sweet. He closed his eyes, and forced Madailéin to open her mouth. She gasped when his tongue met hers.
- Chung, what are you doing? Why do you decide to kiss me like that? she said and turning her head.
It was electric. He tried with difficulty to control himself... and she felt the tear bed linen, under her, so he had trouble keeping control. He wanted, Madailéin, he wanted her so strong.
It was electric. He tried with difficulty to control himself... and she felt the tear bed linen, under her, so he had trouble keeping control. He wanted, Madailéin, he wanted her so strong.
With a trembling hand, he went up her dress and touched her breast. Her reaction was not long to wait, she pressed herself against him. It was so much need of her hugs that he not detained her, when she took off the shirt he wore. A muffled sound came from his throat and he looked up.
"She is mine! Nothing than to me, " he said.
"She is mine! Nothing than to me, " he said.
Of his body, he jammed Madailéin on the futon. His desire was increasing, while trying to maintain control. He pressed against her, he made her understand how he desired her. His gestures were sharp and sweet at once. His eyes was no longer human, he don't had the look of a man, but a wild beast.
This time he passed his left arm around his neck and his right hand buried in her hair. Not knowing what to do before this surge of desire, he positioned himself between her legs and he was surprised by the intense heat that it gave off. He felt his pants get too close, and unpublished images, impure flashed through his brain.
This time he passed his left arm around his neck and his right hand buried in her hair. Not knowing what to do before this surge of desire, he positioned himself between her legs and he was surprised by the intense heat that it gave off. He felt his pants get too close, and unpublished images, impure flashed through his brain.
- Madailéin, you'll make me crazy, "he said.
She was happy and anxious at the time. That look, she had never seen before. This man looked at her, was no longer her love, but another completely different.
She was happy and anxious at the time. That look, she had never seen before. This man looked at her, was no longer her love, but another completely different.
He took her by the hair and pulled her head back. He nibbled her neck, he seemed to smell her odor like a tiger, does with its prey. He surrounded her like a snake.
His desire grew exponentially. Caught by vertigo, he hid his face in her neck to subside.
- Chung, stop! Go no further.
- Chung, stop! Go no further.
He took a while to realize what she had said.
- Why? he protested.
- I'm willing to wait a little longer. Tonight you have given me what I expected more from you. she said.
- Are you scared? he asked, disappointed.
- ...
- Are you afraid of me? You're afraid of what? he asks again.
- ...
- Are you afraid of me? You're afraid of what? he asks again.
She put down her eyes on him.
- No! she exclaimed. Only, you know, it has been almost a year since you push me away without stopping. I'm a little disoriented.
He finally understood what she meant, and where she was going. He burst out laughing, annoyed.
- Why you make fun of me Chung? she asked, insulted.
He calmed his laughter crisis.
- I'm not laughing at all, do not worry my love. You're mine now. Never forget.
Smiling, she buried his face against his chest.
- Chung, I'm ready to wait a little longer. I don't want that you do it, just to make me happy.
He raised himself off her, and lay down beside her.
He raised himself off her, and lay down beside her.
- You think I just wanted to make you happy? It was a staged. I'll point out that I have ... before you. If you know what I mean. But if it is as you wish, Madailéin if I can make you happy ... he said, sighing heavily.
- Yes, it would make me happy. she said.
- I'll do anything for you! he said.
"But ... She leaves me frustrated as ever, that is boring!" he said.
She got up and returned to the kitchen.
"Here, feel what I feel for 8 months, my love" she told herself.
She heard footsteps behind her. She turned around he was there, looking even more savage.
- I don't want to hear you say you don't want, Chung said in a voice tense. Because then I could really take it badly.
"But ... She leaves me frustrated as ever, that is boring!" he said.
She got up and returned to the kitchen.
"Here, feel what I feel for 8 months, my love" she told herself.
She heard footsteps behind her. She turned around he was there, looking even more savage.
- I don't want to hear you say you don't want, Chung said in a voice tense. Because then I could really take it badly.
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