dimanche, janvier 09, 2011

* Forever Love *


When I look at his eyes, nothing is more important.
The whole world is gone, there remains only him and me.
We are here to contemplate for a long time.

He never tires of hearing our enthusiasm extolling the Universe.

Our intimate journey creates a canvas, which enlightens our mind.
Our steps on Earth is a dance that gives birth to divine love.
Our vision of the loving embrace is the essence of a new life.
Our laughter stimulates our love and our freedom exteriorizes an authentic space.

This love who has entered our lives, is unique.
He guessed my love and me, the grace of his heart.

Stars shining on his face, my smile brings joy to his soul.
His light that shines, making him, the most handsome man in the world.

Now I know who he is and who I am, who we are.
We discover the beauty of our unity.
So we are two but only one heart and only one soul.

He is what I am. I am what he is. We have always been close without really knowing, until the day ...

We are touched to receive what we have always felt to be real:

We love ourselves, of this pure eternal love.
And the world will change to our passage.

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

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