samedi, janvier 22, 2011

Love can move anything, even...

Call this a little text before the chapter XXI... kind an interlude

Love can move anything, even...

When I left home, she was there, always taking the same path. I should think ahead, how restrain my ardor. She probably, no envy to touch me. She did not feel my desire crazy monopolize me, even if it saw itself, than by my eyes glanced over her person. Of course, it was a wild woman, but that's what I loved. There were of perfection in her dress, which showed that she wanted, to look different. She wore clothes that suited her well. I would like to forget her, but..

The day dragged on, treating me stupid. I lost my cool. I felt completely absorbed by her. I twirl and I twirl on myself, I was afraid to approach me her, and I had cold sweats. I see her walking, her thighs rubbing against each other, which completely destabilized me. All men are... uh, imaginative, myself included. I can't feel what she thought, but I was wondering why she attracts me much. I know, but...

I would like that her heart beats for me, behind his chest. She tells me how much she would like me to take her in my arms. But no ... She continued her way without looking at me.

I moved away from her and I ran away because it was too much emotion. I dared not look back for fear of being petrified. The eyes of suspicious people on me, made me walk from right to left, and it is with difficulty that I pursued my way to nowhere. I dropped the bench behind the counter of my shop.

Only by late evening, the police shook me. They took me for a maniac and tried to throw me into their van. After I explained to them, I thought about her, the one which completely amazed me, but my lack of courage or fear of rejection, had stopped to let me go.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening the streets were deserted. I knew she would leave her job in less than fifteen minutes. I was looking for what to say, if I found the courage to talk to her. Before I found, the earth shook, and there I was struck by the light beam of a flying saucer!

I found myself in a dark room. Little men in strange uniforms, came to meet me. They explained that they came from a giant planet and had been attracted on Earth by my over-sensitivity. And if I wanted to abandon this impossible love, they gladly accept, to take me aboard their ship.

Seeing my look idiot in love, they took pity on me.

"If you want, find yourself around this person, think hard, and we will transport you near her, they transmitted me, as if they have reading my mind."


I'm not laughing of Chung, I find him too cute and I love him too much for that .... but I love to play with him sometimes ...


Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

vendredi, janvier 21, 2011

The link of Calamity

The link of Calamity

I'm damned? I find it curious to note, that I've always known. But... I have always been fascinated by evil, I've never been afraid about it. I know where good is, I know where is the duty. I am conscious of my causality, front this race of ill, what has become humanity.

I already knew the thought that leads directly at the logical conclusion. I am damned. This body stretched out before me, he's shouted it. The blood that flows from his skull, his clothes in tatters, the scent of fear and death ... the pungent aroma and bitter, of his terror and of his decadence. He asked, poor mortal soul, and disinherited, to guide me on his way to his illusions cold.

My race is cursed. My congeners, who just want to annihilate themselves. And it will be so for eternity. I will spend that eternity watching humans, be devour by Evil, as a scrofulous rot. Human beings. Poor alienated. Poor race underdeveloped, unable feel their own calamity. Seeking to edify, always trying to fooling.

This feeling makes me realize that I too have been obscured. Poor fool. Believe in love. It is this, the beautiful passion. Lying on his back in a backyard disgusting, his blood flowing to the sewer where it mixes with the feces of his fellows. Wastewater by parasites. That is the beautiful tomb in which arguments of humanity, led you.

Poor fool. What did you want then? You wanted me here, away from your fellows? To submit me to your will? Poor fool. You really thought that by force, you should get, what your sweetness could not get? You really thought I could give you, what so many others had not had? You never succeed to smear my integrity. You and your prejudices will die together, glued against each other, as you've always been.

I see your face segments. I see an eye near my foot. An eye that watches me, filled with fear and ignorance. I raise one foot to put it on the eye that stares at me, hiding the look of terror. I let the weight of my leg above arise. I feel a resistance. I increase the weight. A pleasure through me ... A soft sound, wet, joins the lovely sensation.

I feel the desire to complete the scene. The body has too, too living. I take the knife. I lacerate the body, I plant the blade, which penetrates into the flesh sensually. I throw the knife and I look with disgust, the man who killed my love. You're an aberration.

I lie on the floor, I feel so tired! I close my eyes. In his struggle against death, my love, who I thought dead, pulled the trigger of his weapon. The same, of this idiot tried to break, his skull. I see that his belly is pierced. I see his body pass away, then slowly, quickly. His eyes seem to darken, and  turn to us.

Many have tried to kill us. Many have tried what you tried to do. But we are still there. We will survive, forever.

Karole McDowell 2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

Affliction eng.


In heaven, all is joy. Hell, everything is punishment, the world is close to one and other.

I accomplish since several years, an art that I love. Through my stories, I bring my readers in various places imaginaries. Showing them the beauty of words, wonderful stories. This story you'll like or at least I hope so, will calm your desire for adventures


A guide whose reputation needs no introduction, was chosen to bring tourists in various places in the Beauce*. This year, it was American tourists and because that this trip would be long and rocky, she decided to do it, on horseback. They were delighted, although most do have never mounted. They left the bungalow and began the adventure, starting with the pine forest. On a whim, she took a path that never before, she had borrowed.

They end up in a Prairie, like all others she is visited each year. And she makes them continue the visit. But they come down in a valley. A valley with tall grass, bent by the wind, and invades large rocks, enthroned as the sole judge in this valley unexplored.

That's where she is now, in this beautiful valley, hidden to human eyes. She therefore continues through the bush without exactly knowing where they go really. She distinguishes a path that seemed even more fun. Finally! A little change can not hurt anyone, she said to herself. She therefore enters this path, followed by her small group who seems to pleased the diverse paths she chooses.

After a while, she noticed that the more they advance, the more air seemed heavy. And to see their faces, she is not alone to feel this discomfort. She stopped brutally and fixed the ground. All were surprised by her reaction. They do not perceive what she sees, stretched in front of them?

Just a few steps, is stretched on the ground, a carcass of what appears to be a moose. Do not they see this carcass half open which pours big maggots and viscous, dark suspicious? she told herself. Without talk about disgusting and putrid smell that emerges.

During she is unable to detach her eyes of the corpse, a frightened horse, rushes forward with her cavalier. She looks it disappear while those behind eclipsed in haste front such horror, and leaving her alone. She is also trying to to return back as soon as possible, but her horse, frozen flatly refused to obey. Took jittering, She can no longer control it, She comes down of it without delay. Whinnying, to snatch the chest, foaming saliva and blood of a bestial rage, he collapsed in a sea of blood.

She is scared and not knowing what to do, She starts to run. She runs until, she clearly discerned far away, tears. Tears like those of a child. She approaches to tears and distinguishes the silhouette of twins. She crossed the few steps separating them, they should not have more than seven years old, and she sees their faces slightly mutilated. She had the impression to see herself, very small, with face drawn and a look as dark as night. They point the finger on her, and ran away by the path.

She want to join them, she can not leave them alone in the forest. She runs very fast, and sometimes just barely, to follow them. Plus she runs, the more she sees a strange mass in front of she. A giant block that stands out against a backdrop of sun, and finally look like what should be a tower. She sees the twins enter the tower, and she rushes in her turn. Having not taken three steps, then she falls on slides appeared to be a trap. She continues to slide without stopping in a dark surround, while hearing the tears of the twins, who were becoming increasingly powerful. She drifted and ...

She regains consciousness in a small in middle of desert cell. Slightly thinned, she ignores what, but loosely enough to distinguish a spectrum move toward her. She is paralyzed. The twins at his side, pointing an accusing finger at her, their black eyes, and plunged into tears in hers, mouth wide open, from which escaped earlier, false tears, remains wide open now, leaving that to escape a cry imperceptible, and endless pure insanity. The darkness engulfed them, when the twins went out of their mouths, a little horse rotten ... and she woke up ...

Do not ask me why I'm an insomniac, the reason is quite simple.

 Karole McDowell 2005-2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

*Beauce : La Beauce, in Chaudière-Appalaches, located 20 kilometres south of Quebec City, goes along the Chaudière River and then stretches to border Maine.

Fear of Shadows (unfinished)

Evil, always Obscure, like the darkness. Do not forget that religion is no more synonymous with the saint, as did the officer is a hero.

It was March 20, 2010. The wind howled and seeped through cracks in the house. The sun was round and bright. She gave an unreal atmosphere in the city. A light mist floated in the streets quieter. A shadow. Black. Subtle. Fugitive. Almost indescribable. A splash. An earthquake. I turn my head, and the vision vanished. My heart beats faster. I concentrate. Full of ideas swirling in my head. The cloudy light appears again and I give ear to hear a strange noise coming from this thing purely invented, a figment of my anguish of the night. I go out.

The shadows make me crazy, I looking for a plausible explanation for these fleeting appearances. Lost in me, looking for a solid opinion, I cross a man all dressed in black. I looked up and I watching him of the eyes. My vision is blurred. Insomnia is a source of paranoia and delusions passengers increases. I pass the doors of my prison daily. I head straight for the glass doors that swallow 1500 animated bodies every day. A strange feeling, flows in my veins, making me shudder, and I climb the stairs faster.

When I arrived at my favorite restaurant, I examine the faces. You become paranoid! I said to myself. I walk up to my seat toward the window. I do not know how the spirits survive, locked away from windows in the flesh annoying and unnecessary. I escape by watching the flight of a bird. The day passes when I'm heading to the toilet in a dark corridor, a soft, fresh, surreal and still touches my cheek. I stop. I turned round. The shadow along the wall and evaporates. The light burns my retina and it pushes me toward the door.

- Do not stay there! Move! said a woman looking at her fixedly.

In the afternoon, a maddening buzz, invaded my ears, and I seek the source of the noise. A breath on my neck. I stiffened, I bend, ready to brave the enemy. The siren of a fire truck makes me jump. A girl approaches me, fix me with her eyes and she looked into mine I am attentive to her. Her hand moves towards my arm. And in a voice barely audible, and she seems happy, but incomprehensible.

- Jasmine, you too, you see them?

I open my mouth but no sound comes out. In my head, a voice shouting me, to run away as far as possible and quickly. Behind the window, a face is formed. A face of terror melted into fear. I feel my strength away, while the girl, who sticks to me whispers again.

- They are there for you, they follow you since long time, learn to love them, they love you! Oh! They love you so much!

I release myself from her grip, the close friendships of some girls make me sick! I rush out and I come up against a pedestrian.

- Go home!  This is not the time to heckle! cried the pedestrian.

Nobody saw anything. I feel alone, abandoned. The day ends. The girl leaves turn, did not return, but his words obsess me. I see a form colorless run along the wall of the restaurant. I close my eyes, gripped by a real panic attack. Arriving at the corner of the street, the same girl suddenly appeared and plunged her scary eyes into mine.

- Oh yes! You see! You'll see how they love you! I walk away from her, clenched fist over her mouth to prevent howling out. I will, watery eyes, breathing in a quiet corner.

The evening promises to be rather frozen for a month of March. It envelops me, and glue me. Eyes staring at me, the darkness, shadows form a procession leading to nothing scary. The murmurs rise, echoing voices of the unknown. And I hear a cry endlessly.

- You'll see how they love you! Me and some friends were invited by a rich city boy. His way of making friends was to invite young people to celebrate his birthday. Costumes, originality were obligatory.

All enjoyed themselves, dancing, weird buffet, listening to a horror movie and some told stories of terror in a dark corner ... Hum! Interesting! I said to myself. I walked and I sat on the floor in a circle with others. About twenty people participated in the stories, so it was time for me to create a good reputation! When it was finally my turn, I took a deep breath and I begin my story a mysterious voice.

- Many years ago, here in Quebec City, a city without story, several nuns came to live in an old convent near St. Jean Baptiste, where surely some of you have ever been. Like I said, many nuns came to live in the old convent. One of them, Sister Supreme, the Mistress, taught them witchcraft.

- This story happened here in Quebec City? asked one participant.
- Yes, right here. Jasmine replied.
- Let her finish. grumbled a girl in the circle.
- I continue my story. First nobody knew, because we were not going to church to pray a lot and frankly, they did not trust these nuns to look suspicious, but one day, March 20, 1911 Specifically, several children disappeared. The police found the charred bones in the backyard. That is why today, Convent Court is void of any soul ...

So to 5:30 p.m., young children, the most adventurous, had ventured to go to the convent. One of them knocked to the enormous iron door. An old lady dressed in black to look scary opened the door very slowly making it creak.

- Hi kids! she said.
- Ah yes? How come you knew, we come to this? asked a young girl.
- Because me and my friends, we called you, for help ... Come in! I will do you no harm! Go upstairs, there are lots of toys!

The children, all more confident as each other rushed down the stairs which creaked under their feet. The vast grisly remains seemed to absorb them.

Arrived at a door open, they stopped to look inside. What they discovered their blood froze: the pastor of the neighborhood was crucified naked, head hanging and the blank look on a big inverted cross on the wall. The walls were painted crosses in dried blood and various psychedelic symbols. Candles and incense burning in every corner, a strong stench prevailed.

They retreated to come out running, but the old woman was faster than them and locked them. The children were crying, screaming for help, pounded the doors of their little fists but nobody came, only to 8:35 p.m., ten nuns dressed in black entered the room. They had around her neck a silver star hanging in a chain of gold and huge black lacquered nails like claws. The oldest was holding a enormous scrawl to the binding of gold.

- We've come here for the sacrifice that takes place every 100 years.
- A sacrifice? asked a child, scared to death.
- Silence! yelled a woman. "This must be so if we want keep our powers.

Two women came forward and grabbed the girl closest to them. Their hands were so closed tight on the arms of the girl that their nails dug into her flesh until he bled.

- Leave me alone, stop, you're hurting me!
- Enough is enough! shouted a woman who slapped her, stronger as she could.

The girl, frightened, barely restrained her sobs.

The nuns watched the show a keen eye. Their laughter heralded their huge sharp teeth.

- The time for sacrifice has come. Sit in a circle around these kids, ladies. Up your sleeves.
- We, the women of hell, goddesses of heaven, beseech your deity. On our behalf, agree to these faithful souls, minds to these pure hearts. Join your strength to ours for these souls condemned to dedicate our supreme master.

The woman took a knife edge and a quick movement, cut her left wrist. She undid the group to go to the center of the circle, pour a few drops on the head of each child.

- My hatred is expressed. The demons and the powers of hell, hear my prayer. That the flames come to me! It is under my control that I want. I want to run under the power of fire! Come by my blood, Come by the fire!

The wind roared, the house shook, all the windows exploded and caught fire due to a disproportionate increase in the flames. Two shadows, one black and one white, entered and penetrated in all bodies of small terrified. It took a few seconds, they left as quickly as they came, but with their valuable treasures.

The Satanic nuns, took the children inanimate, to transport them outside. They placed them, neatly stacked, and with the orders of their chief, each threw a flaming stick on the deads. With that, they immediately fled. Nobody saw them again.

- It will soon be a hundred years ... So ... watch your children!

Karole McDowell 2004-2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

Dark Messages

Dark Messages

An exaggerated kindness is always a sign of treason.

Christine closed the door and put his keys in his pocket. She turned and observed a moment the empty hall before her. They were not returned. Her parents had wanted to spend Saturday night "them" outside, and had warned they would return later. She concluded that they should not return any time soon. It was only 10:30 p.m.

Christine watched with regret that empty house, she had imagined that her party would last a little longer. The movie was good with Thomas ... But she wanted to spend more time with him. She had met him, two weeks ago on the Internet and invited him at the party she had organized for her seventeen years old. He was well caught the eye and obviously it was mutual ... Even if tonight he had not insisted on staying a little longer with her.

Unsure what to do, she climbed the stairs painfully. Anyway She spend more evenings with him ... Next time she will ask him to go for a drink ... Rrraahhh! It's a pity, for once she did not have parents on my back!

On reaching her room she closed the door with her hand, while she was closing, she sent her jacket on the back of his chair and fell on her bed, lying on his back. Door slam then made room for silence. She looked at the ceiling, are busy rehearsing the beautiful moments of the evening, wondering what she would do tomorrow, thinking about her next appointment with Thomas or her friends. Surely they would call tomorrow to spend Sunday afternoon at something better than staying locked at home. In fact, she was called tonight? She sat on her bed, grabbed the bottom of her jacket, searched into a pocket, and pulled out her cell phone.

Ah yes! It is off. I had cut at the beginning movie ... I forgot to turn it back earlier. Bah! It is not important, anyway no one had called me tonight ... They should all be having fun ... Them ... And I'm here all alone ... Pff ... Ah, yes! I had messages on my voicemail... Huh? Eight? Well that's a lot! It looks likely to call me since just now ... Hey, maybe I will not wallow here tonight finally! Excited to make this evening to rejoin her friends, she called her voicemail without waiting.

"Please enter your user password.

You have... eight ... New messages no heard "

She had therefore been eight messages, at least there she was sure, but who might well have called eight times tonight?

"Message received twenty-two hours ... ... twenty-five minutes ..."


Christine was surprised, amazed. She looked at his watch without waiting to make sure it was right on time. It was 10:34 p.m..

Oh God! Eight calls in nine minutes! It's insane, why would seek both to join me ... unless ... I hope nothing serious happened ... It would be terrible if ...

She was interrupted in his thoughts that the message began.

At first she wondered if her phone was working, but since he walked just heard distinctly the voice mailbox. The sound was strange, like a rustling of the wind towel followed by a thud, the sound was repeated, regular ... As the sound of a washing machine, like a record player reached the end of the forty-five rounds . The sound seemed so cold and repetitive "schrrr frrr chrrr boom ... boom ... schrrr frrr chrrr schrrr frrr chrrr boom. During the first few seconds, she could not find any sound it could be, then the sound of a car made her understand that he was called to the street. At the same time everything seemed clear. She was called by mistake! The device should be in the pocket, the keypad was not locked, and support key had ended up calling a phone number of cell ... And it fell on her.

Amused, she listened to the message. Always making mechanical, repetitive, the sound of cars, and also the wind. True, it was not very nice in the evening of October, and on leaving the cinema, wind was already beginning to blow. The sound here was scary, like a ghostly long complaint, a "ooouhhhh" which reminded him of the morning gale, during which it issued its complaint through the focus of the fireplace in the living room.

"End of message"

The sudden return to the voicemail surprised her. The message was cut off suddenly, probably due to a new accidental pressing the call key. This was not the brutality of the message that surprised, but rather the fact to hear this woman's voice, calm and collected, so that contrasted with the mechanical noise, mingled with that of cars, and breath of wind on cellular microphone. She did not realize was while listening to the message, but the sound was basically rather sinister.

"Press 7 to erase the 9 to save."

.. "Delete "

"Next message received twenty-two hours ... ... ... twenty-seven minutes ..."

The message was almost identical to the first. Always making repetitive, monotonous, which became for her a little scary, heavier than before.

"There are six more like this? ... Well ... Super! But it comes from who? Who is this person who calls me all the time?'

Wanting to move to the next message for the mailbox to furnish the caller's number and having heard enough of this noise, she cut the message immediately.

"Next message received twenty-two hours ... ... ... twenty-eight minutes ..."

But the voicemail did not give a number, normally it should have made a "message from ..." She remembered that on the first two messages we had not reported the phone number. It concluded that the appellant had probably chosen that the number is hidden from people who called. The message "unknown number, unknown name" displayed when a person who telephoned this option. She rummaged in her memory to find that she knew in this case. Barely had she started to think that the message began, and resumed his overwhelming. A little more each time, it increased it by a certain disorder.

The repetitive sound stopped. The howl of the wind became more important in the absence of noise produced by knocking out walking, she could still hear the cars go. The person was still in the street and had stopped, she could hear nothing just the wind and cars. What is it? Or what does it do? Christine thought. It may be looking at something? Stopping to light a cigarette? Or just take a little time to wander? All this made her more curious. She was not feeling very well, embarrassed to hear another person without his knowledge, and also simply because the sound of walking through the microphone of the cell in the pocket was scary!

Then the unpleasant sound resumed its walk, began to worry her openly. "Schrrr frrr chrrr boom ... boom ... Schrrr frrr chrrr" She continued to listen to the message, the noise of the cars appeared to diminish. Is this his way in a subdivision? Is he going to a smaller street? Finally bothered by this side "voyeur spite her," she cut the message and passed to the next.

"Next message received twenty-two hours ... ... ... thirty minutes ..."

The message was always the same. Always making repetitive and dull. But she could hear the noise of cars, the person must surely have engaged in a street. Irritated by the sound, she cut off the message.

"Next message received twenty-two hours ... ... ... ... beep beep beep"

Surprised by the sound it put the cell in front of her. As the buzzer had indicated, she had just received a new message ... The person continued to call her by mistake.

She handed the cell to her ear, and was surprised to hear quite clearly the mewing of a cat. she heared no car noise, just the noise and wind. Then, the sound turned slightly, she saw as an echo, the person was perhaps a yard or in a narrow lane. Repetitive noise became increasingly slow, then stopped, then it is only her surprise she heard whimpering. These were rather weak, but she was sure she heard someone moaning in the distance was, a female voice, but it was hard to hear. The steps, the lamentations put her, ill at ease.

The noise of the footsteps resumed, albeit slowly. The volume of moans increased. He or she approaches her ... Is she sick? Why she moaned like that? He or she is to her family, perhaps? Christine mingled in all these questions ... She was afraid, more afraid of what she meant, but it's clouded, she wanted enough to know what would happen to not hang up.

"Next message received twenty-two hours ... ... ... thirty-one minutes ..."

The wind was still blowing, the footsteps ceased, the moaning continued, It was very strong now. Christine concludes that he or she must stand before the woman. Was it his mother? Maybe yes ... or maybe not, she didn't know very well. She felt both annoyed and uncomfortable to listen to it all without their knowledge.

She was really worried when the groans gave way to tears. She heard the woman cry much, ear she would have said that the woman must be old, may be in his fifties. But why was she crying? Christine shaking, the phone to her ear, trembling. Her arm, her body shivered, she felt ill ... She was afraid of what this meant. The sound of the wind, tears, and above the sound of footsteps had been gradually plunging to the fear of disorder. But she did not hang up, she wanted to know, she wanted to hear more.

"Next message received twenty-two hours ... ... ... thirty-three minutes ..."

The crying grew, it was becoming increasingly difficult to continue to hear that. Suddenly a frantic rubbing noise was heard forcefully, they were soon accompanied by pops and deaf. This was especially the cries of the woman who was scary for Christine. She screamed, she suffered ... The thud heard it now, she quickly realized, was inevitably the sound of blows inflicted to the woman.

Christine was paralyzed by what listening and what it could be concluded. She sat on her bed, not knowing what to do, all mixed in her head, it was all so unthinkable. She was being heard, with a handful of minutes late, someone beat furiously an woman. Completely panicked, she cut off the message.

"Next message received twenty-two ... hours ... ... four ... thirty minutes ..."

"It will never end! "

She thought upon hearing the announcement of the next message. She almost turned off the phone, but she did not ... Maybe she could learn more? Maybe she could speak? ... She could not bring himself to hang up, she could not ... She does not want.

Just the beginning of the message petrified. Friction rustled as always, the cries of the woman had given way to groans, the sound of shots continued to ring. She heard the attacker to issue small claims, surely due to the enormous effort he displayed and despicable. It was the voice of a man ... But she could still hear the sound badly. It was gradually that the dark cloud of terror invaded Christine as the sounds of the woman faded, and the groans of the attacker gave way to howls of stronger and stronger ...

Gradually she realized with horror the voice of Thomas. She remembered to have had calls from her. His number was not displayed on her cell. She remembered it well because she had said she could not know when he would call before answering. Her boyfriend was therefore certainly beating a woman somewhere, maybe he beat her to death ... She heard the voice of woman, more than the bellowing of Thomas and the sound of his blows to the body of the woman. Terrified, Christine hung up, she did not want to hear all these messages, it was all too horrible, too disgusting, but it was not possible, she must have misunderstood.

The ringing of her phone, yet fun, and terrified when it rang. She was immersed in her torments, not knowing what to think or do. The ringing of his phone made him the effect of an electric shock through the body.

Slowly she brought her cell in front of her eyes on the screen, she was not surprised, was marked "unknown number" She waited a ringtone, then two, she was terrified. Then she almost spontaneously pressed the button to respond promptly and pressed the phone to his ear. She heard more shots. She heard a noise just regular rubbing it all. Christine was crying, she imagined the poor woman, half dead, hanging by Thomas the feet. This image in his head was unbearable, especially followed by the sound of friction loss.

Suddenly a shock was heard, the volume was so loud it hurt her in the ear, and added to the element of surprise, she took off some time in the unit. When she approached, the only sound she heard was the wind much stronger than before.

Suddenly she heard a rumbling sound mixed with a bang. Then suddenly, she distinctly heard the voice of Thomas.


Taken by surprise, she could not repress a little cry of surprise.

"Damn Christine? Good God, what are you doing online, shit SHIT! Wed .."

Completely shocked and traumatized, she immediately hung up and turned off her cell.

He heard me scream! My God, he knows that I heard ... Help, Please! What can I do? It will perhaps come here and, kill me! I can not stay here, I must go now, maybe it was near the house? Oh damn! It's horrible, I ... I gotta go to the police ... I must warn the police! With that, Christine jumped on her bed, and propelled at high speed out of the house. She would run to the police station in the city, which was only five minutes from her house.

But she never reached the police station.

She was buried a week later, two days after finding her body and that of the beggar that Thomas was beaten to death.

Would you accept the friendship of this man? Maybe you may have him as a friend. Be carefull.

The next victim may be, YOU!

Karole McDowell 2010 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

Together Forever

That was over twenty, that Chung looked Madailéin discuss with a friend, finally, for him, talk was not the right word ... seduce one of his friends seemed more appropriate ... For Chung, Madailéin can attract all that is around her. He saw her, smiling.

He believed discerned a spark of provocation and sensuality in her eyes, as an invitation. He detailed her dress that hugged her form, which asked nothing better than be discovered. And however, Chung stood there, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. Only his face appear strained rabies who lived. He was boiling inside and he could not take her eyes off.

Madailéin ended the discussion, then she turned her eyes to the only man who interested, Chung ... she went to him, smiling.

- Why did not you come see me? I was talking with your friend and you stayed in your corner.  

He had not moved an inch and turned his gaze elsewhere. He slowly turned his face cold, toward Madailéin to replicate, in a voice heavy.

- Trying to seduce the person in front of you, this is not really a discussion for me ... Madailéin!  

On this reply Madailéin raised an eyebrow.

- Excuse me? Madailéin said.
- If you want to sleep with him, ask him directly ... You'll soon calmed down, he answered without emotion.  

The tone that Chung took to answer her, froze the blood of Madailéin. She fixed Chung, before starting with a small nervous smile.

- Thanks for your trust. Yet these biases on the redhead easy to fall into bed, right? Thank you! From the mouth of the man I love, I would not have found any better.

Chung retained his haughty air, as well as his arms crossed.

- I did not say that. But what are you doing with my friend, you talk, you smile with him. I stayed away to see you act. And I admit that the look of my friend posed on you, did not like me at all.

As shocked, Madailéin, continued to fix Chung, she was feeling than all the benefits of this relationship evaporate, in a breath, her body began to tremble. She lowered her head a moment to try to contain, recover. After a few seconds, she finally lifts up her hands in front of her and walked backwards.

- I'll let you, find a woman who you can trust, because I'm not sure I want to hear more. Goodbye, Chung. 

By this response Chung was touched to the quick, he pushed even further. He fixed coldly Madailéin its entire length, before letting out a little laugh ironic.

- I do not remember I told you to go away.

Madailéin did not know how to react to this cold. So she approached Chung, the dark look, and the face screwed.

- I'm not like that. Where is he the prince who scrutinized me during days and days? Where is it this man who was able to kill for me?
- I do not understand what you mean.
- Of course not. Chung, I think I'll leave for real this time. You're right, you do not need this kind of woman, like me, to interfere in your life.

She seized her handbag and left without looking back. Chung watched her leave him, he wanted to, but could not. He did not want to play the role of weak who runs behind. The more she moved away, the more his heart was tearing.

Why had he spoken thus, he knew this woman, yet he knows all the love she has for him. A sudden nausea overcame him. He was disgusted by himself.

He disappeared quietly and went out the back door.

- Madailéin, where are you going?

- Leave me alone.
- Madailéin...

Chung did not want to let her go! Madailéin ran down the stairs when suddenly, Chung seized her by the arm and pulled her against him by burying his head in her neck. She saw something in his eyes she had never seen before. She had the lump in her throat.

No! Never he will let her go.

She said nothing, staring into the void, she did not turn around when she felt him behind her. He clung to her back before sliding his hands around her waist. She let him do it. She loved when he take her in his arms, and he knew it.

Madailéin felt his warm breath on her shoulders. His hands holding her against him, to preventing her from escaping. They stayed like that for a long time.

- You resist me and it makes me mad.

Madailéin spread her hands, when Chung was beginning to wander under her clothing, and turned against him by planting her eyes into his own. 

- What do you want? You know?

Madailéin then read aloud the anxiety in his eyes.

- Madailéin you think I'll let you go after all the pain I gave myself to have you by my side?

-You do not trust me.
- You can kill a man just by looking. You hold me head, you handle me, you make me jealous and you make me feel guilty. How I could get bored of a woman like you? You're the toughest Irish I know.
- You know a lot of Irish?
- Well to be honest no, but I say it like that.

Chung did not want to show her, but he was completely smitten. He could kill for her. How did she, to make him so?

- Madailéin, if you deceive me, I'll kill you, he said.
- Han!!
- I gonna getcha in eye, Madailéin!

He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. He said these words without thinking and now he blamed himself. She came to make him jealous so easily. Was he became weak or simply ... in love?

- It's rather sickening, to tell me that.

- And humiliate me in public, you find it good?

She shook her head slightly. Madailéin could not help to react when she felt the tongue of Chung lick her neck.

- Please, allow me to kill him, murmured Chung.

- Are you serious? You want to kill your friend?
- You think that a friend, would try to steal my wife?
- It was you who imagine that. I talked to him simply, I could still not leave him alone, while you, you did not occupy. I talked to him by mere courtesy.
- Yes of course! he said, grumbling.
- Well, he starts again. Okay, you can torture him, but not kill him.
- Thank you my love.
- Are you serious? Where is my prince shy?
- He is still there, but not when you try to take me, what's mine.

Chung, incarnate pride, could not bear to see the man he thought was his friend, put his predatory glance, on her, him alone had the right. His friend went outside, and went toward them. Chung turned to him and gave him a eyes inviting him to return as quickly as it came out. Seeing the eyes of Chung, his blood in the veins did that a turn.

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited withoutpermission from the author

mardi, janvier 18, 2011

Les âmes ne meurent jamais, le véritable amour, ne meurt jamais.

Je marchais tranquillement, l’air frais rempissait mes poumons, ma respiration se faisait légère, comme si un poids en moi venait de s’évader en même temps que mes mots.

Les rayons du soleil me caressaient le visage. Je me sentais bien, même si l’amour de ma vie venait de s’enfuir, me coulait entre les doigts. Nos chemins étaient destinés et à cela je n’y pouvais rien, on ne force pas les gens à ne pas s'aimer, mais tout faire pour que l’amour envahisse leur cœur.

Il était temps que je retourne chez moi et que je m'occupe de ma nouvelle vie qui commencerait bientôt.

Nous sommes tous différents et nos réactions aussi, nous ne pouvons pas aimer la personne que les autres croient être faite pour nous, parce que nous avons tous des coeurs différents.

J'ai décidé de penser à moi et bientôt à nous. mais aussi réfléchir par rapport à la vision des autres, les mots peuvent blesser, se sont des choses que certaines personnes n'ont pas encore compris.

Mais l’essentiel c'est que je me concentre sur nous. Oui, pour me briser, il faut que je tombe, et ce n'est pas demain que cela va arriver.

Au bout de dix minutes, je l'ai vu, elle était là. Ma respiration s’accéléra encore. Pourquoi es-tu là? Nos chemins ne venaient ils pas de se séparer? Madailéin était debout devant l’entrée. Elle me regardait droit dans les yeux. Cette sensation me donna des frissons dans tout le corps, je ne savais plus si je devais avancer ou reculer, mon esprit était perdu. Je n’arrivais pas à bouger. Ses yeux étaient toujours posés sur moi.

Ses pieds se mirent à bouger, et elle se dirigea vers moi. Elle se tenait devant moi, quelques centimètres nous séparaient. Je pouvais sentir sa chaleur m’envahir.

- Pardonne-moi s’il te plaît d'être venue ici sans prévenir, mais il fallait que je te parle, dit-elle. La vie est remplie d’obstacles, pourquoi lutter, alors que nos coeurs sont destinés l’un à l’autre.

- Je te le lâcherais pas, répondit-il.

- Dans cette lettre, tu m’as avoué ton amour, je ne t’ai pas rejeté car j’éprouvais les mêmes sentiments, mais je devais respecter les règles. Excuse-moi, de t’avoir blessé, mais j’ai pris le temps de réfléchir pour un jour pouvoir me présenter à toi et te dire ce que j’ai sur le cœur. dit-elle.

- Il y a tellement longtemps que j’aurais dû te dire je t'aime, comme l'autre soir, répondit-il. Depuis le premier jour, j'ai su que je ne supporterai pas qu’un autre homme te tourne autour, comme cet homme dont tu m'as parlé dans ta lettre, j’ai essayé de te posséder, mais.

- Je ne l'ai pas revu depuis l'autre soir. Mais, comme je te l'ai dit, il n'y avait rien entre lui et moi, lui dit-elle.

- ...

Il la regardait avec un sourire magnifique.

- Nous cherchons tous la personne qui fera partie de notre vie, et la réponse, je l’ai vu dans tes yeux, dès que je les ais rencontré. Je veux commencer ma vie avec toi, pas la continuer, mais la commencer. Je ne vivais pas avant toi, dit-il.

- Il faut savoir prendre un coeur et ne plus avoir peur. Je veux faire de cet amour une réalité, avec toi pour toujours, ta main dans la mienne, répondit-elle.

Qu’importe, leurs cœurs venaient enfin de se retrouver, leurs âmes s'unirent de nouveau.

Pour détruire cet amour, il ne faut pas tuer que ces corps, mais détruire aussi leurs âmes, mais cela sera impossible, car elles... elles reviennent toujours.

Fin ou peut-être pas.

Méthode radicale!

L'amour ne se commande pas, les gens ne peuvent pas nous forcer à agir comme ils le souhaitent, ils ne peuvent pas continuellement diriger la vie des autres à leur guise. Chung devait agir dans le meilleur intérêt de tout le monde, même aussi brutaux, soient-ils.


Madailéin marchait de plus en plus vite en essayant de semer cet homme qui la poursuivait.

Elle tourna promptement à droite ne voulant pas lui laisser le temps de se rapprocher d'elle.

- Je t'en supplie, retourne-toi, regarde-moi. dit-il.

Elle hésita un court instant et repris son chemin comme si de rien n'était.

Elle sentit une main l'attraper par le bras. Une main étouffa son cri.

- Écoute-moi, souffla-t-il calmement.

Elle ouvrit les yeux et découvrit le visage de Chung, son regard naviguait de droite à gauche. Sa main resta pausée sur sa bouche l'empêchant de dire un seul mot. Son corps était contre le sien en position de défense.

- Écoute-moi, lui dit-il en la regardant droit dans les yeux.

Elle restait figée devant son magnifique regard ténébreux, elle l'écouta sans effort, tant sa virilité l'éblouissait. Elle le détaillait et elle sentit un frisson parcourir sa colonne.

Soudain des bruits de voix la ramenèrent à la réalité.

-Tu es sûr qu'elle est là? dit un homme.

Elle reconnaissait cette voix, c'était Allan, l'homme que le frère de Chung lui avait présenté.

-Bien sûr, pourquoi je t'aurais pas dit de passer par ici! dit un autre homme.

Elle était paniquée comprenant que ces deux hommes parlaient d'elle. Toujours la main posée sur sa bouche, Chung lui fit signe de ne pas bouger.

- On a été bien payé pour tuer cette femme, dit Allan.

Ils entendirent les pas s'éloigner. Chung retira sa main de la bouche de Madailéin.

-Attend! J'ai entendu quelque chose, reprit un des hommes.

Elle regardait Chung qui lui demandait du regard de ne pas bouger et il lui fit signe de rester là, pendant qu'il s'éloignait un peu.

- Viens, dit-il

Il lui donna sa main, il était devant elle et lui faisait dos aux hommes.

Ils restèrent silencieux pendant une partie du chemin.

Que m'aurait fait cet homme s'il n'avait pas été là? se dit-elle. Voilà pourquoi il ne lâchait pas prise, pensa-t-elle.

Il la déposa devant chez elle. Elle descendit de la voiture, se tourna et le regarda droit dans les yeux. Elle ne trouve à dire qu'un simple merci.

Leurs bouche s'ouvraient pour se refermer, et puis il ne put se retenir plus longtemps.

- Est-ce qu'on pourrait se revoir? lui demande-t-il.

- Je ne crois pas que ce soit une bonne idée. Tu sembles oublier qu'on a tenté de me tuer ce soir.

- Je suis sincèrement désolé. Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais résoudre ce problème.

- Un problème? Ces hommes ont été payé pour me tuer. Et tu appelles ça, un problème?

Elle ferma la portière et marcha vers l'entrée de son immeuble. Elle se tourna une dernière fois, et elle lui jeta un regard de mépris.

- Madailéin!

- Quoi, dit-elle en se tournant brusquement.

- Je t'aime! dit-il sans la regarder.

- Ouais, bien cela ne semble pas faire l'unanimité dans ton entourage. C'est ton frère qui m'a présenté ce type, je te signale.

Il ne répondit pas, il la regarda en lui jetant son plus beau sourire.

- Tu trouves ça drôle en plus?

Elle ouvrit la porte de son immeuble et pénétra à l'intérieur sans se retourner.

Il regarda dans le vide quelques instants avant de démarrer sa voiture et quitter.

"Méthode quelque peu radicale, mais j'ai pu la toucher et la reconduire chez elle. Je l'avais dit que je trouverais un moyen de lui offrir mon aide!" se dit-il.

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) La reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation de l'auteure

I'm so close to you

Right now, I feel strange ... Since I submitted my letter, I don't see her anymore.

I became distant, I always smile but I'm lost in my thoughts.

Aside this letter, I'm not declared, but I was hoping to do soon.

I dream I'm in her arms. Passionate gestures of loving feeling, words of affection.

I would like to look at you straight in the eyes, to make you understand my feelings.

I'd so use words that I didn't think pronounce one day. These are not empty words, these are yours, to you intended, and it will give them even more important.

You made my heart beat, you got me caught in your net without having launched and it is almost a miracle, believe me. I do not fall as easily into the traps of love, I'm down on the ground.

I don't want this remains only a fictional story, or a figment of my imagination.

So I will be the master of inventing following of this history, our history. I decided to take control of the situation.

This heart so desired, is close to me, I feel it.

She will feel my breath on her face. I will bring a smile on her face and her eyes will become as bright as the sun.

Finally! My hands can stroke her clear skin, I admit she is very white. My hands are impatient to touch her. Don't worry, nothing perverted. That would be bad to know me. Just words, sentences, to seduce this woman, who is mine. She is mine now, but she does not know yet.

Be loved, she is. But she's not edible, and it is not easy to approach a woman, especially an Irish, with all these prejudices. Strong character, which may redden my cheek if I approached too closely.

A person thought to possess my heart. I do not care, it's this woman I want and I will get her. Just two or three words of love, if I can. But in fact, I'm certainly not stutter.

What forcing me to act quickly, this is the man with green eyes, which goes in the same restaurant that she. He rushes in as soon as he sees her enter. And he tries every way to attract her attention.

I could get rid of him, he challenges me and I like challenges. If I can take her, under his nose, it would be a victory without bloodshed.

"I love you." I do not even know her name. I could offer my help for something. I'll find. Just enough to make her understand that I am serious

And then another thing that annoys me. Me. What she thinks of me? She sees me all the days, but she is only passing.

And my letter? I forgot, has she read? Does she threw it without reading it? Maybe I should give her, after talking to her, she'll see in front the author of this letter, that she think? She already knows who wrote it, but we still feels a little weird after that gesture. It's not a regret, but a discomfort. Or simply the fear of the ridiculous.

This Irish, I'm dying to to reveal to her my love. And this asshole who run around her, I would like to ... I pass this detail, if you wish.

Yes, he was finally decided. He will confess all to her, or maybe not.

Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

lundi, janvier 17, 2011


Il aime Madailéin sa bien-aimée, comme jamais, il avait aimé personne et c'est la femme la plus merveilleuse qu'il a rencontré (c'est ce qu'il affirme) et qu'il n'avait jamais eu l'occasion de connaître.

Elle est talentueuse (plus les personnes sont sensibles, plus elles ont une propension à développer des affinités pour les activités faisant appellent à la créativité, l'art, les langues... enfin, c'est qu'il m'a été donné de constater), elle est efficace et expéditive dans ses activités, et merveilleusement chaotique dans les domaine plus cartésiens. Elle est parfois, un peu trop indépendante. Il essait parfois de lui faire peur, qu'elle pourrait le perdre un jour, mais cela ne fonctionne pas. Comme seule réponse, elle approche sa main de son visage et le touche tout doucement ou l'embrasse pour le faire taire.

Bref, il n'y pas d'autre femme avec qui il aimerait faire sa vie....


Outre les moments de tendresse, les moments de caresses, et ce malgré la gêne montante en lui, il avait très envie de cette femme, et puis il l’a embrassé, il l’a tiré vers la chambre. Furieusement. Il la plaqua sur le lit, fouillant son corps avec une frénésie sans limite, il s’est plantée sur elle, il ne la regardait pas, comme il le faisait toujours. "Ne ne me regarde pas comme ça, tu vas me manger" lui dit-elle en souriant. Mais il n'a pas pu, il se rendait compte qu'il était amoureux d’elle.

Karole McDowell, auteure