mardi, mars 15, 2011

Undying Love, the authentic love... Chapter XXXI


The authentic love


On 29 December morning, Chung had to go to "Red Sun" to meet with friends. He was leaning against the edge of their bedroom, and he watched her sleep.

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and went out.

He blamed himself, but the same kind of meeting he had with Benny. He had no choice. For a hypothetical war between some members and it seemed to be more aggressive than the last.


Madailéin awoke when Chung closed the door. She got out of bed and walked to the bedroom window. She saw Chung's car go away. She smiled when she saw on the table a little note he had left. She approached to her face and she  felt his smell, closing the eyes.

"Hello, my love,

I did not want to wake you up.

I'll explain when I get back.

Chung! "

Madailéin had butterflies in my stomach in reading the letter. She tried to think of something else, but she could not do otherwise. The house seemed awfully big and empty.

She knew that it had to be very important. The phone rang and she answered. A man said that Chung was a traitor, a murderer and it's time to kill him.

The man hung up. Madailéin imagined the worst.

"He is may already be dead!" she told herself.

She did not know where to put the head. She used the phone from her room to call the Red Sun. She wanted to talk to Chung to ensure that everything was fine. The waitress told her he did not want not be disturbed. She hooting to tell her that it was very urgent, but she told her that he would call as soon as he can do. She might say it was Madailéin, but she would not listen. She repeated that Chung was with friends in the basement and he did not want to be bothered.

Madailéin hung up angry.

She went to the bathroom to take a little cold water on the face.

The phone rang again. She touched the phone, taking a deep breath. She did not know if she would respond or not.

She gave a sigh of relief when she heard the voice of Chung.

- Hello, darling! What's the matter? You saw a ghost?
- I received a strange call! I called you but the waitress told me that you did not want to be disturbed!
- Are you told her it was urgent?
- I shouted to tell him, but she would not listen!
- Shit! I told him to take messages while I was busy. She could use some common sense, when she knew it was you. Do not worry. I'm coming.

When he entered, Chung saw Madailéin seemed pensive.

During the meeting they discussed a war of a street gang that could erupt at any moment. He did not understand why he could be involved in all this. It seems that Chung would have accepted a contract that was intended for a member of a street gang, and that he wanted to join a Japanese gang that has been raging for some time in the corner. However, Chung worked with Mori and Sami, and sometimes with Saki. Chung told them that he did made the contract he was asked, and he  did not ask permission from anyone. Following this revelation, men have responded by saying that his words could lead him to ruin. Sami, Saki and Mori were had come to lend a hand. Chung think, that the meeting was not fruitful.

- He told me you were a traitor and a murderer and that it's time you die! Are you hiding something from me?
- No, my dear. It was just a bad joke, that's all!
- Chung, I know when you're lying and I feel that you do not tell me the truth!
- If I tell you that it nothing is that there is nothing.
- So tell me, why I received such a call!
- I do not know. It is a joker! I would tell you if there was a problem, you know me!
- How could he know that you're gone and how did he get our phone number?
- I do not know! Ah fuck!

Chung went to the living room and he became closed, as when he refused to talk each time.

Chung sat on the sofa and put his feet on the corner of the table. He stared at the back of the room. He jumped up, when she came near him suddenly.

- Whether thou wilt or not, shut yourself in your cocoon, I ask you a question!
- I do not lock me up.

He had shifty eyes.

- Would you be able to leave me in ignorance by putting my life in danger? I can defend myself, but not against three or four!
- Do not talk nonsense, I would never do something like that. Do not force me to tell you about a subject that does not concern you.
- Who does not concern me! There was nothing hidden and you say it does not look at me! It looks at me, if you put my life in danger!
- I have a small problem, that's all!
- What kind of small problem?
- Now you are asking too much! You know enough. I not know go for a walk, going, for a coffee at Saraid.

He would never allow one of his problems could threaten Madailéin. he would never voluntarilyher life in danger.

Madailéin opened the door when someone knocked. Sami, Saki and Mori were entered.

Sami looked at her confused, she said, herself, that she was not crazy and was going really something.

The three men left on the outside and they settled on the terrace. Before leaving in turn, Chung stared at Madailéin, and looked down.

Madailéin would like to know what happens, but nobody seems to care about her presence.

She stood up when the phone rang.

- Hello, Madailéin! a man's voice.
- Wow! Kido?! That been a year since we saw you!
- Will Chung is busy?
- He is on the patio with friends.
- Tell him to come see me, I'll be at his restaurant. I must speak to him.
- What is happening? He comes from the restaurant! Madailéin said anxiously.
- Nothing, I want to to talk to him, that's all.
- You think I'm crazy or what? I know there is things happen not normal!
- It doesn't concern you, Madailéin. Told only to Chung to come see me, that's all.
- Listen. Tell me what's wrong!
- Madailéin, I do not want to offend you, but you have nothing to do with that ... it concerns only the Japanese, that's it.
- Oh!
- If you were like us, you would have understood and you would listened now! That is why it is better to stay between us! Kido said on a cold tone.
- The only one I listen without arguing, it's Chung, because I am with him, you, you're nothing for me, as I do for you. And the next time you ogle my buttocks, I'll break your fucking face!

She hung up.

Madailéin arched an eyebrow.

- Well, Irish ass, which is offered in Japanese ass, go tell him he will go see Kido! As to make me treat a bullshit, that's how I like. she said aloud.

She went to the French window of the terrace, and opened it slowly.

- Sorry to bother you, gentlemen. Chung, you must go to your restaurant, Kido waits, he wants to see you.
- What did he want? Sami asked. It does many moons, that we has not seen him.
- I do not know, this concerns only the Japanese, my Irish ass is not important enough to know it! Madailéin said, shutting the door abruptly.
- What has she? Mori asked.
- She just spoke to Kido! Sami said. He always had a horror of mixed couples. Madailéin never use this kind of language usually! Sami said, surprised.
- Yeah ... said Chung. You coming? We'll see what he wants. Chung added.

They went up into Chung's car, and they left.

The doorbell rang. Madailéin opened it. It was Saraib who came to visit him.

- How are you, Madailéin?
- Okay.
- How's Chung?
- It's fine.
- You ate the lamb enraged?
- No, that's fine.
- Well, if I can make you smile, Mori asked me to marry him!
- Han? Already?
- Yes! Mori made me his request, two weeks ago. At first, it feels strange that it is as fast, you know after six months! You find that normal?
- Well, I do not know. It is him who knows!
- But I have not accepted yet! But I still told him about my condition.
- A condition!
- Yes, but I'll wait to tell you. But I find him strange sometimes. He leaves like that without saying anything, he went with Sami and Chung. You know what they do?
- Often, they'll play pool, that's all.

Madailéin felt bad for lying to her, but she said it was not to her to tell her.

- I wanted to ask you something? But don't be upset, okay,
- No, okay, I think I subscribed unintentionally, go ahead!
- What do you mean? Saraide request.
- No, nothing. Go ahead.
- Do you think they are faithful men? I do not want to spend the tenth, you see! Saraide asked.
- You shall not pass tenth with Mori, for sure.
- Hum! And Chung, you have a question?
- Without going into details, if Chung had another woman, she must feel lonely. Why you ask yourself these questions?
- I do not know, you know my brother, he has his nose everywhere. He saw Mori discuss with another Asian and he said that he was a member of a street gang! And that was a womanizer.
- He is racist your brother? Madailéin ask, without glare.
- No, no! He did not speak against Mori, he just said that.
- Yeah, just saying that, but it was enough to make you doubt Mori.

Saraid seemed uncomfortable. She had the shifty eyes and she put her eyes on Madailéin with great discomfort.

- There was something else?
- Uh! Yes ... Because the guy told me that my brother, who was talking with Mori, well, it was ... Uh! Although, it was ... Chung.

Madailéin opened her eyes wide. She looked Saraid, she seemed so uncomfortable.

- Saraid, your brother does not know whereof he speaks. I think he is racist, and he likes labels. Chung because no matter what he has done before me, since he is with me, I swear, it's not a womanizer, much less a member of a street gang .
- Remember that we have already surprised him, with a woman when he left his job to the hospital, you have a short memory. Who says that he don't see her? I do not think he would like to say  you it, if was the case.
- That was at the beginning and we were not yet even together. He promised me nothing to this time. Madailéin said.
- But you're not married! Maybe for him, it does not matter since he is not married. He has already asked you, to marry him?
- No, but (...)
- Ah! You see! Hmm ... He told you what he was doing before and what he did?
- Yes, it does not concern you Saraid, you're my best friend, I love you very much, but what happens between me and Chung, remains and will remain between me and Chung. But one thing is sure, it's not a cheat.
- I do not mean that Chung is not a good guy, but ...
- There is no but ...
- Madailéin, I'm sorry that you take it like that. I'm not like you. You have the ability to pass through many things, but me, I have no strength.
- You talk like that if you compare Chung to these bandits who make the headlines. Why do not you marry with an Irish? I love Mori, and I know it's a good man, I'm hurt, you talk about him like that.
- I know Madailéin. I love Mori, and he loves me too. I know.

Saraid looked Madailéin sigh.

- You're full of prejudice, said Madailéin.
- No it is not true. Saraid said, falsely angry. So what's new ... to change the atmosphere?
- Yeah, Sato is back ...
- Ah! I told you I wanted to change the atmosphere! So he told you what, you were going to marry Chung and you would have many children?
- Yes ... and we'll live and love forever, Madailéin said sarcastically. We were going to die and we reincarnate until the end of time. Saraid, I'm lucky to be with him, I consider him the man of my life and that is what he is.
- Especially since it's not every day we meet the man of our life, when that he struck thee with his car. Worse, you were glad to have your foot in plaster ... is wow! Saraid said, laughing. Ah, Chung is back! I leave you, I'll join Mori. See you soon!
- Saraid! Madailéin said, taking her by the wrist when Saraid tried to rise. You know if you're not sure of your feelings for Mori, you should tell him. He does not deserve makes him suffer. You know, I'm sure he would be able to save my life, if he could.
- Uh! Yeah, I guess so, but be assured Madailéin. I love Mori, and it's not a joke.
- Okay.

Saraide kissed Madailéin on the cheek, and greeted Chung of the hand.

Chung moved beside Madailéin stroking her neck with his fingers and he hugged her. His eyes were sparkling, full of desire.

- So you feel better? asked Chung.
- Yeah, okay.
- Madailéin, you know, Kido love you very much, just that it's a rustic sometimes. He is not as bad as people think. He does not express his feelings, but he apologized, and coming from him is pretty amazing.
- Saraide thinks that Mori could deceive her! It's strange no?
- Who Mori?! Hahahahah. Poor Madailéin. When you'll open your eyes? I had orchestrated their meeting because I thought they would be together. But I think maybe, I say maybe, that Saraid has much in esteem for you and she may be trying to do like you.
- He asked her to marry him, Madailéin said, lowering her eyes.
- He did what? He asked her to be his wife?
- Yeah ... Madailéin said.
- What you got, it looks like you're disappointed, I'll would note that I asked you to marry me before him! But you did not seized.
- When?
- A few months ago. When I asked you to give me a son and I told you three times that he was necessary that we be married, to be the mother of my child and after that I asked three times if you wanted to give me a son. It seemed obvious.
- Ah! she said, blushing.
- Look at me! You can blush! Chung said with a smile.

He softened the mood with a sensual music, and he was dancing with her in a very luxurious dance. He stopped dancing, took her in his arms.

- So you want to give me a son or not, it's the last time I'm asking. said Chung.

She blushed even more with a shrug.

- You still blush! So you must answer me one day! Chung said, raising her chin with his right hand.

- Yes, she murmured.
- What? What did you say?
- Yes, she whispered a little louder.
- Sorry, I did not understand ... he said with a smile.
- Yes, she said.
- Yes what? Where's my warrior? She fled through the back door?
- I want to give you a son ... her murmured.

He looks at her in her slinky black dress, he found that this color brings out the green of her eyes. She has always managed to seduce him as the first day. 

Chung, made ​​love to her while kissing her tenderly.

He is always happy when she reached the pleasure. Certainly, he is still at the height of her wishes and that she's satiate. He became so passionate and so beastly at a time. He pressed it against him biting her in the neck.

A small preview of the next chapter. Chung will leave for a few months. Is it going to hurt their feelings or interfere with their relationship? But will he return or he will leave forever? Hum!

To be continued...


Karole McDowell 2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

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