mercredi, février 16, 2011

A dangerous love

A dangerous love

I have a suddenly envy to caress the keys, to tell you about the love that drunk my heart and makes me happy. I feel like the star we can see, but also aims to prove that it shines. It oppresses my feelings because I have to keep it secret.

I am like those who for reasons X, must keep their love secret, and yet that is the most beautiful feeling. If one day the secret would be revealed, I will prove it, there will be still my greatest sin. I feel lost in this immensity, let me be, what I am.

I'll prove we have the right, my love for him, will have a place, with or without the accepting of all those for whom this love is ridiculous. Of his breath, I covers me and I will cover me, no matter what you think.

He gives me a nice feeling in my heart, so joy that scares you. I would to change everything if I could. But nothing is permitted for a love rejected, nothing can be revealed, that's life.

The world has the right to love, but not me. Yet this love is so deep. As it would be pleasant to be able to change this mentality and to live this love in liberty. I would not have to hide me for loving him.

The life is strangely made, I should say. How can we find a dangerous love? If it were up to me, I will reveal the love that conquered me, one day. If I am not able to touch you with these words, should I stop or continue?

I must love in secret, keep silent, keep it to myself, for not offend anyone. For you, this love, should not continue. No matter, the words you used. The result is the same, your pride is hurt.

When he smiled, and he made my heart beat. I am ready to tell you, if you give me a chance to explain me. You will not regret it, I can assure you. I hope you will understand the reason for my choice.

His fingers who slide on my cheeks, create emotions and when my eyes shine with a thousand sparks, if I say that this look is not because of him, this is not the truth, believe me. The critics who continue to affect without a break, exasperate me.

This love that I must keep secret, for some reason whatsoever exists. It is in me, waiting for the time to exit. No man has his voice deep, slightly hoarse. No other man has this look which melts into me the desire to resist.

I just hope that you'll agree. That this love will no longer be seen as dangerous. Let me shout it, if necessary. Why hide it? This revelation would be a liberation. Perhaps our deaths, would be the only way to live this love without restraint.

I hope it will never happens to you.

Of his name, all have fled, virtual, or in reality. I see it, I feel it. Why? I would like someone to tell me! If you could just a moment, be sit in front of him, you will see him... But anyway, your mentality is so decreased and your minds so small, even front of you, it made no difference.

Karole McDowell 1998-2011 - (c) Reproduction is prohibited without permission from the author.

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